Chapter 26

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Lauren immediately got up from her chair and ran after Victoire, ignoring all eyes on her.

She immediately spotted the Ravenclaw at the foot of the stairs and next to her were Celine and two other companions trying to console her.

The girl caught up with them and they looked at her very badly, forcing her to stop abruptly.

"Victoire ..." she tried to say weakly, "Please let me explain-"

"She doesn't want to talk to you," a Ravenclaw broke in and Victoire hid behind her friends, never looking up at her.

Lauren let out a sigh full of frustration and continued to look at the blonde with pleading eyes, "Victoire" tried again, "You know what Rita Skeeter is like ... that article is made up"

"Oh, so that photo isn't real too?"

Lauren gritted her teeth and held her breath, "I didn't cheat on you"

Victoire didn't answer: she nodded to her friends and they all started up the stairs.

The Slytherin tried to follow them, but Celine whirled around and forced her to stop, "Lauren, come on ... this is not the right time"

"I just need to talk to her-"

"To tell her what? You will only make it worse. Try putting yourself in her shoes ... how would you feel to be assaulted by such a voice?"

"I am assailed by such a voice!"  Lauren snapped "It's not funny even for me, Celine"

"Victoire didn't make it to the front page, you did"

"I have not betrayed her"

"Do you really think it's just that?" she pointed out her friend "Rita Skeeter is a liar and everyone knows this, but that photo is real"

"But what she says is just bullshit!"

"It doesn't matter, Lauren!"  Celine snapped

"Victoire has just been humiliated in front of everyone" she explained shaking her head, "She felt something for you, something strong. Couldn't you wait a second before you jump into a relationship with Camila right in front of her eyes?"

"I didn't know I was photographed-"

"That doesn't change things! All the time you spent with Victoire, you spent complaining about Camila. How do you think she feels now? relationship for a simple game. Victoire deserved at least to hear from you and not from a stupid article. You could have warned her that you and Camila were intent on getting back together."

Lauren didn't know how to answer anymore, so she nodded in defeat, "I didn't mean to hurt her"

"Well, you did. And you can't expect me to want to listen to you now" Celine sighed heavily, "Give her some time, okay? I'll try to talk to her" she agreed, softening her voice

"I know you didn't want all this, Lauren, but it happened and now you have to let Victoire digest this whole situation. She will decide whether to talk to you or not. "

The Slytherin wanted to argue, but whatever she said would do no good. She nodded weakly and cleared her throat "Okay" she whispered, "Just tell her ... I'm sorry" she met the Ravenclaw's gaze and noticed all the disappointment inside

"I swear, Celine. I wanted to tell her everything before she came to find out from someone else."

"I know" the girl smiled sadly "Unfortunately that doesn't change things."


Camila walked away from the Great Hall, happy to have gotten away from all those eyes of hers that had haunted her at breakfast.

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