Chapter 32

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It was late at night when Lauren opened her eyes wide in fear, trudging through the dark to catch her breath. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her head seemed to be about to explode at any moment.

She had to save Camila!  She had to run for help and warn the teachers that the girl was injured!  She tried to scream, but nothing but a hoarse, faint sound came out of her throat. She tried again, this time putting a hand on her neck, to check that everything was okay for her and she gritted her teeth in her pain as her skin met the deep cut she had. on her hand.

She squinted to get used to the darkness and realized to her great surprise that she was lying in a hospital bed.  She tried to lever her elbows to sit up on her, but as soon as she tried, she felt a strong sense of dizziness and her vision blurred.  She dropped her head in defeat on her pillow and out of the corner of her eye looked first at her right and then left, trying to figure out where she had gone.

Her huge room looked familiar, and even the pungent, sickening smell of medicine reminded her of something about her: she must have somehow returned to the castle and the nurses must have taken care of her in the infirmary. But how was that possible?  Just a few minutes ago she was bleeding out in the middle of the forest and now she was there?  Something must have happened!  Why didn't she remember anything ??!

Suddenly a wave of guilt went through all of her, from head to toe and she tried to get up again in fear, but she failed miserably: Where was Camila?  What if she couldn't save her?  And if maybe help hadn't arrived in time and now she was m-m-mort .... Enough!  She had to stop thinking about those things!

The cots next to her were empty and from what she could see in her line of sight there was no one in the infirmary but her.  She stirred even more when she remembered that the last time she had seen Normani, her friend was fighting alone against a barbed Hungarian. What if something terrible happened to her too ?!  She couldn't bear a double loss: her girlfriend and her best friend too.  Since when had her life turned into a terrible nightmare?  What would she have done without them?  How could she survive alone?  Why did these things have to happen to her ?!

Out of frustration she began to fidget in bed, making guttural sounds from her mouth in an attempt to stifle her anger with a cry. Why couldn't she scream?  Why did no one hear it?  Rivers of tears had started running down the sides of her face, without her even noticing.  She tried to chase back the tears, but they continued to fall indifferently, wetting the whole pillow and did not seem willing to stop.

She then heard footsteps making their way down the long corridor of the room and she began to stir to attract the attention of anyone who had entered there at that hour.  She needed to know.  She SHOULD KNOW.

An old woman in her seventies walked all shaky to her bed and stayed to study her for a while, before turning on the lamp on the bedside table next to her.

"Calm down, miss, calm down!"  the nurse took her back, blocking her wrists with a firm but at the same time reassuring grip. "Don't worry, it's okay! She's in the infirmary! If you understand what I'm saying, just say 'yes' with your head"

Lauren moved her head confused and the old lady slowly freed her wrists, but always looking at her with a thin veil of distrust imprinted in her gaze.  From the outside she must have looked quite crazy.  'Where is Camila ?!' Lauren screamed, but the sound that came out of her mouth sounded more like a grunt than real meaningful words.  She took a deep breath and tried again: 'Where is Camila ?!'.  But even this time she was unsuccessful.

"Calm down! You better not talk ... we inserted a tube to breathe while you was sleeping"

Oh ... that's why she felt her throat so sore.  And that's why her words sounded like stupid grunts ... she immediately got an idea. She reached for the nightstand to check if there was a piece of parchment or something to write on, but there was nothing.

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