Chapter 24

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After dinner Camila babbled some apologies to Cara telling her she had forgotten to do a task and walked away as fast as lightning.

Cara sensed that there was something underneath her, but she decided to let it go and after saying goodbye she headed for the dungeons.

Camila really felt guilty, but after running her hand over the pulsating bracelet again, her common sense was crushed by the mixture of joy, relief and hesitation she felt at that moment.

Her first thought was to rush to find Lauren as soon as possible, but after recovering from her shock, she began to think about what might have happened.

She decided not to sneak into the dungeons right away, but instead give herself some time to think, before her heart took over completely.

Plus she risking being discovered by Cara it wasn't the best of her ideas, as she had just run away from their date.

So Camila ended up wandering around the castle, hoping that her crowded thoughts would turn into something concrete.

She wanted nothing more than to find Lauren and find out if she really meant what she had written: after all she had spent so much time trying to win her back that she had now given up almost all hope. And now that her wish had come true ... she no longer knew what to do.

She was long past the curfew and still hadn't made peace with her head, so she headed for the Gryffindor Tower and as soon as she touched the bed she fell into a deep sleep.

When she woke up that Sunday morning she thought for a moment that she had dreamed it all, but then she checked her bracelet and Lauren's message was still engraved there.

She stared at that message for no one knows how long, her head resting on the headboard and her gaze stupid, when she heard a moan coming from the bed next to her.

"Good morning"

Camila turned and found Dinah curled up on her pillow, watching her with tired eyes.

The Gryffindor smiled softly at her, "Hey" she said "Did you sleep well?"

"No" was Dinah's dry reply, "Remind me never to take alcohol from Zayn again. That crap is disgusting."

"So I guess none of you are going to get out of here today," she guessed the girl.

"Give me some food and I'll be back in a heartbeat. Hailee ... we'll come and check later if she's still alive."

Camila laughed and made a mental note to come and check on the girl's condition. She then moved her gaze to the next bed, where Zendaya was snoring like a log and the makeup that had dripped all over her cheeks made her look like a clown.

Dinah took a deep breath and then sat up "Anyway, you came back later than all of us last night" she said in a mischievous tone, "Did you have a good time with Lauren 2.0?"

Camila frowned "Lauren 2.0?"

"Cara." replied Dinah, "Don't tell me you didn't realize they are alike" she exclaimed with an incredulous expression, "You know ... penetrating look ... Slytherin ... a little shit. There's a reason why you don't they endure, as well as contending for your love. Cara is definitely Lauren's lost sister. "

The Gryffindor laughed softly and rolled her eyes "Yes I noticed some similarities" she admitted playing with the bracelet, "But no, we didn't have a good time" she sighed "I, um ... let's say I blew her off"

"Did you stand it up? Why?"

Camila shrugged her shoulders and a small smile appeared on her lips, "Something has happened"

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