Chapter 23

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The ceremony took a really long time and Lauren spent most of her time thinking about moving to Durmstrang.  After all, running away from her problems seemed like the best solution at the time.

Victoire never spoke to her again all evening, except to whisper a faint 'congratulations' from her when she received the trophy; and the only time she decided to turn to Camila, Lauren found her just as torn.

And then there was Normani, who kept giving her reproachful looks every two seconds.

Lauren honestly didn't even know how she could make things right.

When the ceremony was over, Camila was one of the first to jump on her from the chair and head towards the castle and the Slytherin managed to catch a glimpse of her out of the corner of her eye as she held hands with her Cara.

As much as she really wanted to run away from her, she was forced to paint a beautiful smile on her face to make her professors happy with her.

Victoire surprised her, as she decided to wait for her in the company of Normani, Zayn and some girls from the Beauxbatons.

They all walked to school and Lauren was grateful to her friends for continuing to carry on the conversation as she and Victoire fell silent.

At one point, however, the boys said goodbye and left Lauren to accompany her girlfriend to her dorms.

Victoire didn't even have the courage to look at her and she stared at the floor in embarrassment.

When they reached the Ravenclaw Tower they stopped at the front door and Lauren tried to grab her hand before she could leave.

Victoire didn't push her away, which was good, she walked over to her and waited for her to talk about her.

"I'm sorry," Lauren said weakly, trying to force the girl to look into her eyes. "I didn't want the evening to end like this."

Victoire quietly replied, shrugging. "It doesn't matter," she murmured, continuing to avoid her gaze.

"Are you sure?"  she insisted the other, shaking her hand "Because it doesn't seem to me"

The Ravenclaw let out a sigh "Well, I ... no" she admitted "I guess not"

Only then did she manage to hold her gaze, but Lauren at that point didn't want to go into it any more, as her eyes glowed a sad blue.

"The only reason this evening has gone wrong is you," Victoire admitted. "You spent the whole night looking for Camila just to make things right with her."

Lauren hesitated, unsure how to answer "I ... I'm sorry" she repeated, "It's just ... I wasn't ready to see her with someone else."

"I know and I understand you, I swear, Lauren."  Victoire said "But don't even try to move on. You spent the whole party thinking about her."

"I'm sorry-"

"Stop saying you're sorry!"  she blurted out the smallest, "I know you are sorry and I know you didn't act like that on purpose ... but it doesn't change the fact that you acted like that."

Lauren nodded, accepting her anger.

"I'm trying to be understanding, Lauren," the girl continued, "and I know that if I saw Teddy on a date, I would get jealous just like you, but I wouldn't chase her, putting you in such an awkward situation."

"You deserve better" agreed the Slytherin, feeling all the blame on her shoulders "I was beside myself."

Victoire sighed wearily, drawing attention away from Lauren and focusing only on herself "The difference between you and me, Lauren, is that I want to move on with Teddy. Instead you keep refusing to leave Camila."

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