Chapter 25

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Two weeks after their date Camila and Lauren continued to live in limbo, where they tried to find their identity as a couple and at the same time keep their history a secret.

Lauren had suggested not to tell any of them, as if Victoire found out she would surely wonder why the Slytherin had been with Camila so soon after their breakup.

Camila hadn't complained and let her decide: after all Lauren had covered her back when she didn't want Dinah to know about their relationship.

And so the two girls spent their free time together, away from prying eyes. But with exams approaching and all the other thousand programs, finding time to be together was really difficult. They resumed doing the surveillance shift together and also studying one in the company of the other;  from time to time they even managed to spend an entire afternoon at the pond.

Camila was about to walk into Lauren's room, albeit reluctantly. The Slytherin had invited her to her many times, but the girl knew well how hard it was to resist Lauren Jauregui with a double bed just a few steps away: she would have messed up her principle of doing things calmly.

They hadn't discussed exactly what she meant to 'take it easy' yet, but Camila was pretty sure this plan didn't involve sex. Looking back on her past, however, Gryffindor was also aware that stopping after a long kissing session wasn't easy at all. And the awareness of her had occurred just in the last two weeks.

They headed for the potions room, as Camila was helping Lauren prepare for the practical exam. This exam involved the correct preparation of Amortentia, a strong love potion that leads the victim to fall madly in love with the first person she sees.

It is a very difficult potion, which requires the right measurements and the right technique. Camila quickly realized that brewing the potion alongside Lauren would be a big undertaking, as the girl went out of her way to distract her from her work. 

To be honest, Camila was pretty tired of working on that potion too and she struggled to hold back a smile when Lauren hugged her from behind.

"Lauren ..." the Gryffindor murmured, receiving a light laugh in response.


"Vital space"

"What is that?"

The girl laughed at her and then gave her a dirty look, "Be careful"

Lauren grinned and put a hand to her tie to loosen it "It's not my fault you look so good in this uniform"
she mumbled "Even in these awful colors"

"You know, there are a lot of other girls in this school wearing my uniform"

"Yes, but none are like you" she said promptly the older "And when you talk about school you are so sexy that I just can't resist you"

Camila laughed as she stepped away from the cauldron and added moonberries and a pinch of Belladonna to a bowl.

"Keep it in your underwear, Jauregui" she teased then, "And add some snake eggs while you're close to the cauldron"

Lauren sighed, she did what she was told and started mixing. She continued stirring until the potion turned that beautiful bright blue that indicated the textbook and once satisfied she smiled and turned back to Camila.

She rested her elbows on the table and her chin on her hands and watched her, "Can we team up for the next potions project?"  she asked her "You're much better than me and Normani"

"But if you have top marks in Potions!"

"Yes, but with great effort" the girl complained "It seems that it is so easy for you. You have barely looked at the book."

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