Chapter 27

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Here is the new chapter ... I hope you like it.

For the rest of the week Lauren and Camila tried to keep a low profile, taking different courses and lessons and only meeting in safe places.

It was like having returned to square one, when they still had to tell everyone about their relationship and went out of their way to keep it hidden.

It was really hard for Lauren to deal with all those disapproving looks, so Camila tried hard to limit her problems, which required not dating in public places.

Whenever Camila was spending time with the Slytherin, she could feel all her stress and frustration in her and from her eyes it was clear that she was about to kill someone with her wand.

She never spoke of that article again and her tranquility worried Camila even more than her anger. Victoire refused to listen to her and Lauren had decided to keep her head down, to avoid getting involved in an even bigger gossip.

Quidditch was a nice distraction for her and she spent most of the week training for the first match of the season: Slytherin vs. Gryffindor.

The atmosphere within the Slytherin team was tense, from the moment half of the boys had taken on Cara's side, insulting Lauren at every opportunity.

Race day finally arrived and the Slytherin was ready to step onto that field to distract herself from her problems by taking home a nice win. Before going out on their brooms, the boys were stopped by Normani who gave them a nice little speech about covering each other's back despite the recent events and then the game started.

As expected, the game proved violent from the start, mainly because of James Potter, who wanted to claim his cousin.

It had only been 20 minutes when Lauren spotted her teammate, Anastasia Knight, bumped into Dinah and within seconds the two of them fell to the ground, under the doors of the Gryffindor team.

Lauren didn't pay much attention to it at first, but when neither of them got up on her broom, she looked down to see what was going on. Eventually, when they got their brooms back, they started fighting like crazy and Lauren decided to go hear, landing and getting off her broom.

"You broke my beautiful broom!" Anastasia exclaimed, invading Dinah's living space, trying to intimidate her.

"It's not my fault! You pushed me!"  Gryffindor began, "Try playing fair next time and focus on the game instead of me! You're lucky the only thing that broke was your broom!"

"Well, weren't you the brave little Gryffindor?"  Teased the Slytherin pushing her from her shoulder

"Let's see how tough you are in reality"

"Hey! Calm down" Lauren slipped between the two, stopping the fight before she could go too far "Run to the locker room and fix yourself."

Anastasia ignored her, approaching her youngest again. "Come on, Gryffindor, I'll start" she said, scrounging her knuckles one by one.

Dinah snorted, "I don't want to make it worse" she grinned "It's already violent enough"

Anastasia was about to jump on her when the Slytherin forcefully stopped her and pushed her away.

"Stop acting like an idiot and she goes to get a new broom, so we can start playing again" snapped the largest.

But the answer she got was not what she hoped for and Anastasia started laughing, "Oh, now save Hansen's ass?"  she said "Fantastic"

Dinah was looking at her with eyes full of poison, ready to strangle her at any moment.

"You go to the locker room now, Anastasia," Lauren ordered firmly, without a trace of patience.

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