6. Life Sucks

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Turner's POV

This can't be happening! Ryder has a crush on Brody. I should've seen this coming, it still hurts though. All I can do is lay in my bed and stare at the wall. I can't even cry anymore.

Life sucks!

I lay there and think of all the good memories that me and Ryder have. My favorite one is when we were in our favorite store. We were really bored and had nothing to do. Ryder suddenly looks at me at smiles with a devilish look in her eyes.

"I have an idea." She says and bites her lip.

"Oh no! What it is?" I reply scared. She doesn't say anything she just gets up and grabs a shopping cart. She looks back at me and with a winks hops in the cart.

"Push me!" She giggles.

"No! Nope, I'm not doing that!" I argue.

"Oh, come on! Please, please, please, puhlease!" She begs with her best puppy eyes. I look at her and chuckle.

"Ugh, fine but only once!" I whine.

"Yay!" She cheers. I laugh and grab the cart. I steer her to a long aisle and start running.

"Weeee!" She screams. I laugh and hop on the back. We go flying past people and other aisles. Were laughing and screaming but before I can hop off we run into a shelf and it almost tips over. Stuff comes falling off of it and lands on top if us. We finally dig our way to the top and are laughing so hard were both crying.

"Excuse me!" Some one says behind us. I look up and see the store manager glaring at us.

"Yeah?" Ryder asks.

"Get out! Get out right now before I call the cops!" He says calmly but firmly.

"OK! OK! We'll leave!" I try to stop from laughing and fail miserably. I look over and see Ryder's face bright red. She's obviously trying not to laugh. We both get up ad walk out of the store laughing and whispering quietly. As soon as we leave we both start laughing and talking about it. We were still talking about it for a weeks and it never got old.

When I think about that day I smile but it immediately disappears when I think that she would probably want to so that with Brody. Oh, I'm so stupid! No wait Brody is stupid! He doesn't deserve Ryder! When I think about this it just makes me mad. Ryder doesn't need someone like him, she needs someone like me.

Brody just needs to get out of the picture!

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