7. Life is good... no great

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Ryder's POV

I feel like I'm going to throw up!

I just woke and it's Friday. I have a date with Brody today. I'm freaking out on the inside. I don't know what to do I've never been on a date with someone like Brody. Actually I've never really been on a date only like one or two and they didn't really count because I was in like 6th grade. This is really a date date and I don't know what I should do. Turner had been on some dates maybe I'll ask him.

Ryder: hey I got a question

I finally drag myself out of bed to start getting ready for school. I get up and go to my bathroom. I start to brush my teeth when my phone vibrates. I pick it up and see that there's a message from Turner.

Turner: yeah?

Ryder: don't laugh but I've never really been on a date so I wanted to see if you could give me advice

I put my phone down and wonder if I should straighten my hair out curl it? Before I can decide my phone goes off.

Turner: y do u  need to know and um idk I normally just be nice and be yourself... Pretty cheesy right

I laugh. That was pretty cheesy.

Ryder: yeah that was pretty cheesy and I have a date with Brody tonight when u were gone he asked me out

After I send this I frown. He didn't actually ask me on a date he just asked to hang out. 

What if he just wants to be friends?

What if this is a dare?

What if I'm just a joke to him?

Ryder! You need to stop!

Before my mind wanders anymore Turner text me back.

Turner: u have a date with Brody? And go with your gut on this

Ryder: yeah...sort of he just asked to hang not necessarily a date

I frown, I wish it was a date. I decide to wear my hair in loose curls again because that's how my hair was when he asked me.

Turner: oh ok well I hope u have fun

Ryder: yeah thanks

I get done with my hair and move on to my makeup. I decide to go with a smoky eye, a little blush, and light pink lip gloss. When I'm done I look at myelf in the mirror and pick out all my flaws. I hate it when I do this, but i tend to find myself don't all the time. I sigh and go back to my room to get dressed.

I walk into my room and look at all my clothes. I feel like I stand there for hours not knowing what to wear. I finally choose to wear my favorite dark jeans with sparkles on the pockets, my black tank top underneath a see through white shirt, over top of that I wear my black leather jacket, and my silver heart necklace. I look at the clock at realize that I need to go. I throw on my black flats and head out the door to my car.

Life is good...no great!

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