9. The Date

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Brody's POV

I feel like I'm going to throw up. I'm on my way to Rudy's Arcade and I'm freaking out inside. I've never felt this way towards a girl before, and it kind of scares me. I know I barely know Ryder, but she is really amazing. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I really need to know more about her. The more I think aboitbher the more terrified I am that she won't like me back. What if-


I'm snapped out of my thought when I realize I'm holding up traffic at the stoplight. Embarrassed I turn into Rudy's Arcade's parking lot. I take a deep breath and wall in. As soon as I walk in I'm hit with the smell of pizza and sweat. There's people laughing and screaming with loud techno music. The black floor is covered in confetti and gum wrappers. I look around and see Ryder talking to a little kid.

"So, when are you coming over again?" He little girl asks.

"I'm coming over tomorrow remember. I have to watch you and Parker while your parents go out." Ryder smiles back.

"Yay!" The girl screams and runs away. Ryder looks up at me and smiles. Wow! Her smile is gorgeous. I smile back and sit down across from her.

"Hey, who was that?" I wonder out loud.

"Oh, that was Alexandria. I babysit her and her brother Parker sometimes."she smiles. She's good with kids! She just gets better and better.

"Ah, she seemed nice and very adorable." I wink. She laughs.

"Yeah! Her and her brother are adorable, but they can be troublemakers." She jokes.

"Oh I see. So how are you?"

"I'm great! How about you?"

"I'm great," I smile," So are you hungry?"

"Yeah, what should we get?"

"I heard the pizza is good." I suggest.

"Ooh, can we get cheesy bread sticks? There like my weakness." She laughs.

"Of course! So how about a medium cheese pizza and a medium cheesy bread sticks?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

"OK, I'll go order it. I'll be right back." I get up to go order. When I get up there to order everything feels like a dream. Like I'm going to wake up at any minute. I still can't believe I'm on a date with Ryder.

I stop walking when I realize I never asked her on a date. All I asked her was if she wanted to hang out. Shoot! What if she thinks I just wants to be friends and is upset.

What if she just wants to friends?

"Sir, what can I get you?" A man with mouse ears asks.

"Uhhh, can I get a medium cheese pizza and a medium cheesy bread sticks."

"Yep, anything to drink?"

"Umm, a pitcher of Coke please."

"Alright, we'll serve you in about 20 minutes." He smiles.

"Ok, thanks." I walk away and look at Ryder. I laugh when I see that she has a little boy on her lap and the same little girl Alexandria sitting next to her. She looks perfect with kids next to her. She's going to be a great mom some day.

Wow, Brody! I yell at myself, this only the first time we've hung out and I'm already picturing a future with her. I need to slow down. The little boy's laughter snaps me out of my thoughts. He's so adorable, he gets of her lap and waves good bye. Alexandria takes his hand and they skip of somewhere together.

"You seem to know everyone here." I joke.

"Yeah, that was Alexandria and her brother Parker." She laughs.

"Oh, I recognised the girl but I didn't know the boy."

"Yep, those are my little buddy's."

"Yeah, I can see that really like you."

"Well I would hope so," she winks, "So do you want to play some games?"

"Yeah!" I jump up and grab her hand to help her out of the booth.

"Wow, your really excited." She laughs and takes my hand. I can't help but notice that her hand fits perfectly with mine. I smile and take her to my favorite game.


She laughs at my eagerness.

"What? I love this game. And I'm awesome at it, no ones ever beat me." I tease her. She just looks at me and grabs a ball.

"Prepare to be beat!" She winks.

"Oh yeah right. No one can beat me." I puff up my chest grab a ball and throw it. It lands it the 50 points hole. I always get straight 50s never less never more. I stop to watch her first throw. She winks and tosses it and it lands in the 100 points hole. My jaw drops. She smirks when she sees me and throws another one. It also lands in the 100 and so does all the others. She beat me.

"I can't believe it." I gasp.

"Who's the champion now?" She winks.

"You obviously you." I laugh. I pretend to pout. She laughs and looks over my shoulder. I turn around and notice that are pizzas here.

"We should probably go eat before it gets cold." I say and stare at the pizza. I didn't realize how hungry I was until now.

"Yeah, I'm starving!" She laughs. It's like she read my mind. I smile and grab her hand. As soon as I do I regret it and think that she's going to pull her hand away, but to my surprise she grabs it back and leads me to the table. I let out the breath I didn't realize in was holding and follow her. She plops down and smiles.

"Mmmm, pizza sounds do good." She eyes the cheesy bread.

"You're really hungry aren't you?" I laugh when she practically lunges for the pizza.

"Uh-huh!" She grabs the pizza on her plate and shoves it in her mouth. She's so cute, and she can really eat.

We eat in silence for most of the time and I finally get up the nerve to talk.

"Ok, I have to ask you a question?" I choke out. She looks up and raises her eyebrows.

"Yeah?" I realize what I'm going to say and I look at my hands. I'm so nervous, my face turns red and I look up at her.

"Uhh, Ryder I know we don't know each other that well, but I want to get know you." So, I was wondering if, uh, you would be my girlfriend?" I'm so nervous that I can't even look at her anymore. When I finally glance up at her her eyes are wide. She swallows her pizza and looks at me in the eye.

"I would love to be your girlfriend!" She smiles and leans over to kiss me on the cheek. I smile a smile so wide it probably goes for about 10 miles.

"Oh my gosh! I was so nervous you would say no."

"I wouldn't of said no." Those five words make me feel like I'm on top of the world. Let's just say it was the best date I have ever been on!

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