1. You're Amazing

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Turner's POV

"Are you even listening to me?" Ryder asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes I'm listening to you. Gosh, calm down!" I teased. I stuck my tongue out her and laughed.

"You really know how to treat a lady!" She exclaimed, "Come on let's go to class."

"Hmmm, but I don't wanna. It's to far." I dragged out each word trying to be as lazy as possible and slouched in my chair.

"Come on you big baby!" She grabbed my hand to try to drag me up. As soon as she touched my hand it was like fireworks. I felt a small blush start to creep into my cheeks.

"Gah, your so heavy!" She whined.

"Are you calling me fat?" I asked and pretended to drag a tear down my cheek, "You wound me, you really do."

"Oh get over it! Come on already!" She said annoyed.

"Fine I'll get up." I complained.

"Yay!"She laughed. We walked down the hallway to our lockers. When I got to my locker I opened it up and saw Ryder's smiling face staring at me. We've been friends since kindergarten and I honestly don't know what I would do without her. When we got to highschool I realized that I want us to be more than friends. Of course, I could never tell her that. I know she doesn't like me and it kinda hurts. I mean Ryder is beautiful, kind, funny, and most of all she is amazing! He could never fall for a guy like me.

"Ready to go?" She asked as she walks up to me.

"Yeah, just let me grab my books." I reply

"Kk...your slow." She says laughing.

"Yeah I know you only tell me like everyday." I snap back.

"Woah now, it was a joke calm your tits!" She says with a smirk.

"Oh my gosh, you did not just tell me to calm my tits?" I ask dumbfounded.

"Yeah I did so get over it." She pokes me in the chest with a serious expression. I can tell she's trying really hard not to laugh.

"Your amazing." I laugh.

"Ahh, I know." She smirks and pretends to blow on her nails.

"Conceited much?" I joke

"Absolutely, come on let's go to class." She say and off we go.

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