18. Ryder

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Turner's POV

Last night was so much fun. Brody finally knows that my father killed his brother. Oh, you should've seen his face when he found out. He was horrified and I loved it. He must really hate me now. I wanted to keep hitting him after I punched him in the gut, but he was a wuss and passed out. Let me just say that his face looked a balloon. It was so swollen and I don't think he can see out of his left eye anymore. I've only been there two days and he already looks like I've been beating him forever. I'm really good at this.

As I drive down the road, I look out the window and see Ryder's house. I might as well see if she's home. I pull into the drive way and see that her car is still here. Yes, lets see how she is doing.

I knock on the door and I hear a muffled "hold on" and then the door opens to a very tired looking Ryder. She looks horrible. Still very beautiful, but she really doesn't look good. Before I can say anything she pulls me into a hug. I breathe in her scent and hug her tighter. I don't ever want to let this go, but she eventually pulls away and I see that she's crying.

"Are you OK?" I ask. I know its a stupid question, but I have to ask.

"No, I'm a mess and I really miss Brody. I just don't know what to do anymore. Wherever he is were not going to find him." She's really crying now and I just want to hug her again.

"Come here." I open my arms up and she walks into them," We will find him. I don't know when, but we will." I say. I hate lying to her about this. I mean we will find him, but he might not be alive.

"OK, thank you Turner." She says into my shirt. I put my chin on her head and run my hands through her hair. I can feel her tears going through my shirt.

"Ssh, its OK. You'll see, everything will be fine." I kiss the top of her head and she pulls away.

"I'm sorry. I got your shirt all wet." She looks at my chest and I blush. She opens the door wider and does a grand sweep of her arm.

"Come in, Come in! Don' t just stand there." She rushes into her house and plops down on the couch. I quickly follow her and do the same.

"So, do you guys have any ideas about what happened?" I ask.

"No, the police say they have ideas, but they really have no clue. I don't think were going to find him. What if he's gone forever? I don't think I could be able to go on without him. I was talking to his mom and she told me that he loved me. If he loved me he would of told someone where he was going, right? I mean I don't understand why he just left. Was he running away? I'm so confused." Ryder says. This really hurts. Brody loves Ryder. It was one thing to like her, but love. I want to ask her a question, but I'm scared to know the answer.

"Do you love Brody?" I really have to know.

"I-I think I do." She looks down at her hands," I do."

Oh, that hurts. I really didn't want to know that. I guess now is the right time to show her where Brody is.

"Come here. I have to show you something." I grab her hand and drag her up.

"What? Where are we going?" She gets up and follows me. I walk to my car and open the passenger door and open it up for her. She gives me a confused face, but climbs in. I get in the drivers seat and drive away. She keeps asking me where were going, but I answer with wait till we get there. She finally gives up and looks out the window.

I was hoping I could've had Brody for a little longer, but I guess it has to happen now. There is a plus side to this though, Ryder will fall into my arms sooner than I thought she would. I look over at her and see that she's staring out the window. She is so amazing and I can't wait until I can call her mine.

We pull up to the old building in the woods and I stop the car. She looks around and I can see the gears in her head working.

"Umm, why are we here?" She finally asks.

"Because I have to show you something, come on." I get out and start walking to the building. I hear her following me and I sigh. How is she going to react when she first sees him. She walks up to me when I stop at the door of the building.

"Are you ready?" I ask. She nods her head and I open the door. Hopefully Brody is awake. Its really dark when she first walks in and I can tell she's hesitant. I grab her arm and mouth "I'll go first" and she gratefully steps back.

I walk in and wait for my eyes to adjust. I feel Ryder grab my arm and I take a step. I see Brody in the room and watch as his head snaps up when he sees me. Ryder doesn't do anything so I don't think she has seen him.

"Please don't hurt me anymore!" Brody screams. I hear Ryder gasp and she runs to Brody.

"Oh my Chuck! Brody what-why-how did this happen? Are you hurt? Oh holy cheese, there's a knife in your leg!" She turns to me," I don't understand?"

"Turner did this to me. He really likes you and when you went out with me he got angry and kidnapped me. He wants to kill me and he thinks you will fall into his arms." He mutters. You can barely understand him because his lips are so swollen, but Ryder knows what he said.
"Is this true? You did all of this for me?" She looks at me with tears running down her cheeks.

"Yes, because I love you Ryder and I always have. Your the best thing ever and when you went out with Brody I couldn't stand it. I had to kill him. He needed to be gone so we can be together." I say. I can't read her emotions.

It looks like she despises me, but then it changes to something I can't figure out. I'm so confused.

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