17. Torture

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Brody's POV

I don't know how long it has been since Turner has been here, but it feels like forever. I would rather have him here hurting me than out there doing I don't know what. I wonder how my family is taking this? Is this bringing back memories about Adam? How is Ryder taking this? I love her, but she might not feel the same way yet. Is she even trying to find me? Great, I'm back with these stupid questions.

The door cracks open and I see Turner walk in. He doesn't say anything as he walks slowly to my chair. I suddenly wish he was back out doing Chuck know what. He stops in front of me and leans in close. I can feel is breath on my face and I can't look at him. I turn my head and stare at the ropes on my hands. He laughs at my fear and grabs my face so I'm looking at him. I feel like I'm going to hyperventilate. He smiles a sick and twisted smile.

"I bet you have a lot of questions." He finally says. I'm suddenly very confused. What does he care?

"W-what?" I ask.

"W-wh-what?" He mocks," I didn't stutter! Ask me some questions. Come on I'll try to answer as best as I can."

"Questions? I don't understand."

"Well, being in here by yourself has probably gave you some time to come up with questions about what is happening so ask away. I want to answer." He says encouragingly. He seems so excited.

"Umm, well I want to know if there looking for me?"

"Oh, of course they are. Your the golden boy of the school. The whole town is looking for you and, might I add, they are getting no where."

"No where? So, I have no chance of being found?" I don't know if I want to know the answer to this.

"Yep, no where. They have no idea where you are, so your not being found anytime soon," he laughs," Now, next question."

"Uh, what did you do with my car, or did they find it in the lot?"

"Oh, no! I drove your car into a ditch and set it on fire. Your car was found, but it was destroyed."

"You blew up my car? They found it? Are they scared? Did they think I died in it?" I scream. He punches me across the face.

"Listen, your not going to bombard me with questions! I was being nice by answering your questions, but no you have to be rude and yell at me. I'm done answering your stupid questions!" He screams at me.

"Your family is terrified! Ryder is terrified! I don't like Ryder being terrified, but she is. All this is bringing back memories of Adam for your family!" I snap my head up. He knows about Adam?

"Yeah, that's right I know all about Adam! I know that he was kidnapped and tortured until he died! I know that four of his friends were taken too! You wanna know how I know?" I just stare at him with pure hatred. He punches me in the gut. I can't breathe. It feels like someone just hit me in the stomach with a hammer.

"Answer me! Do you want to know how I know about him. Do you want to know how I know that a guy named Alex Chase killed him!" I look back up at him. His face is half consumed with darkness and he looks terrifying. I can tell he loves this by the evil smug look in his face.

"Ho-how do you know all this?" I sputter. He laughs and leans down so I can see the joy in his eyes. He is enjoying my emotional and physical pain.

"I know all this because Alex Chase is my father!" He says just above a whisper. "My full name is Turner Chase! Why do you think I have this place? This is where your brother was murdered! My father killed your brother and now I'm going to kill you." He stands up and smirks. "I hope your happy. Now that you know this. You see I wasn't going to tell you this until I was just about to kill you, but you really know how to make me mad. I guess it was worth it. Seeing this look on your face is priceless." He turns around and goes to the table.

I knew his last name was Chase, but I never made the connection. I don't know how to handle this news. I feel like crying, but at the same time I want to punch something.

I look around the room. My brother was murdered here. So were his friends. This is why Turner had this place, because his father used it. Turner and Alex are sick people.

"Did your father have a reason to murder my brother?" I ask quietly while staring at the floor. I hear Turner stop rummaging through his bag.

"Yeah, he had a reason." I can hear the smile in his voice and now I don't want to hear the reason, "He did it because he thought it would be fun. He wanted the adrenaline rush of hurting people and running from the cops!" He raises his voice and I flinch with every word.

Yeah, I didnt want to know that. My brother died for nothing. He died because some guy was bored with his life and wanted to kill people for the thrill of it.

I hadn't noticed that Turner was done with the bag until he was right in front of me. He slowly walks in circle around my chair just staring at me. I'm shaking like a leaf because he is taking his precious time to hurt me. The wait for what is about to happen is the worst.

"I enjoy seeing your fear. I enjoy seeing your pain. I enjoy seeing your confusion." He stops right in front of me. I close my eyes waiting for the touch of another knife, but it never comes. He just punches me in the face. Again. And again. They don't stop and I can feel my lips getting fat. The pain is so intense and I can't do anything to block them. He stops for a second and starts to punch the other side of my face. My face is swollen and I can't see out of my left eye anymore. I can feel blood dripping down my face. I can't see when the punches are coming so I scream every time. I'm crying as he hits me over and over again until I can't feel anything. My whole face is numb and he finally stops.

"I hope your happy now that you know all about me and my father. I'm glad he did it. If he didn't I wouldn't have had a place to do this and I wouldn't have had this much fun." Then he punches me in the gut so hard everything turns black.

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