27. Vicki's House

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Ryder's POV

We got to Vicki's house and Brody turned off the car.

"Are you ready?" He asked. I turned to look at him.

"No, but we made it this far." I fake a smile and open the door. We both get out and Brody grabs my hand.

"You got this." He squeezes my hand and we walk up to the door. Before I could knock, the door opens and I see a tired looking Vicki. Her hair is a mess and her eyes are red and puffy. She smiles and opens the door wider.

"Come in. Sorry about the mess. I was rearranging things." As soon as I walk in I'm hit with a burst of warm air that smells like chocolate chip cookies.

"Mm, smells good in here." I giggle. They both laugh and Vicki rushes to the kitchen.

"I made some cookies for us." She comes back out carrying a plate of cookies. I take one and take a bite. They taste amazing. Vicki looks at me nervously and I smile.

"These are like heaven." I say and take another bite. Brody takes a bite and his eyes widen.

"She's right! These are the best cookies I have ever eaten. Don't tell my mom I said this." He laughs.

"Thank you. I didn't think they were that good. Well, come on in." She points to the table and we both sit down.

"How have you been?" I ask Vicki. She looks up at me and takes a breath.

"Well, I-I don't know. Its really hard. I miss him a lot, but I know what he did. I'm just confused." She puts her head in her hands. I get up and walk behind her. I start to rub her back.

"I know how you feel. I wake up every morning and want to text him, but I can't. I want to call him and ask to hang out. but he can't." I give her a hug and she puts her head on my shoulders.

"How do you do it?" Vicki whispers.

"Do what?" I ask.

"Deal with all this. You look like you haven't cried at all." She sniffles.

"I cry every night. I just throw on a smile. Oh, and a lot of makeup." I laugh. She picks her head up and smiles.

"OK, enough of this. You guys came here to have fun." She walks into the kitchen and brings back some sandwiches.

"I have some tea being made. Do you want to get your stuff from the garage?" She points to the door.

"Sure." We jump from the chairs and walk out to the garage. As soon as I walk to the door Vicki's gone.

"Vicki? Where did you go?" I call out. I turn around and Brody's gone too.

"Brody? Come on, where are you?" I turn around real quick to be hit with a board. I feel a sting and then everything goes black.

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