13. 6th Grade

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Ryder's POV

I just got the worst news ever! Brody is missing. His parents told me that he left last night in a hurry and never came home. I got a call this morning and his parents told me that he never came home and that he would normally never do this. They asked if we were together and I got worried when his mom started crying. I told her that I would start to look for him when I got ready and she thanked me.

I got in the shower and thought about it what it would be like if we didn't find Brody. I know I just started to get to know him and that we were only dating for like a day, but I still feel like my heart was ripped into two pieces. Brody was a really nice guy and I really liked him. I turn the water off and get out. I throw on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt because I don't feel like trying today. I put my hair up in a messy bun and my phone buzzes. It's Brody's mom. I get nervous. Is she going to give me good news or bad news. I hesitantly answer my phone.

"He-hello?" I mumble.

"Ryder?" His mom asked.

"Yeah, what is it? Did you find him?"

"No, we didn't. We only found his car." She starts to cry.

"You found his car? Where was it?" I'm really nervous now.

"His car was in a ditch on a back road. It was all burnt and they told me that it exploded."

"It exploded? How did that happen? Was he in there? Was he anywhere near it?" I stop," I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bombard you with questions."

"Its OK I understand. We don't know how it exploded, he wasn't in there, and no he wasn't anywhere near it either. There was footprints going down the road, but they just disappear so that doesn't help us much."

"So, he wasn't in the car when it exploded and he got out?"

"Yep, that's what it looks like. The only problem is that I don't know if he is dead or not."

"Hey, no don't say that. Everything is going to be fine we will find him. Don't worry. Brody is alive until we actually have proof that he isn't. OK?"

"OK. Thanks Ryder. You actually kind of made me feel better."

"Good, I'm glad I could help. I'm going to keep thinking positive thoughts so if you need to talk I'm all ears."

"Thank you! Really, you don't need to do this. I mean you just started dating him and you barely know us. I'm sure this is hard on you too."

"It is hard, but I don't want to mope around all day so I'm going to put on a smile and look for him. I will search every place I think he is in untill I find him. I know we just started dating, but I've had a secret crush on him for awhile so I'm going to do everything in my power to get him back."

"Ryder, can I tell you something. I can only tell you this if you promise you will not tell Brody that I did."

"OK, Brody will not know that you told me this."

"So, Brody has had a crush on you since 6th grade and he used to come home and talk about how pretty you were or tell me something you did that he thought was really cute. He really liked you. Like a lot. He would watch from afar to see you at least once that day. I know he sounds like a creeper, but he was obsessed with you. I thought that you would change him. He used to be really depressed because his brother was murdered. I'm sure he will tell you about that sooner or later, but anyways he was depressed. Then one day he came home and was smiling a really big grin like he just won the lottery. He told me that he got partnered up with a really cool girl named Ryder. I was really happy that he meant you. After that project he kind of just fell for you and it helped him get over his brothers death." She took a breath," Then you guys went on your first date and he was practically walking on the walls before he left because he was nervous and excited. When he got home he didn't day anything he just walked to his room. I thought that it went bad so I went to check on him and he was just smiling at the ceiling. I asked him how it went and he said it was magical and that it went better than he thought it would. I knew something was bothering him though so I asked him and he looked me in the eye and asked how I knew I was in love.

It took me by surprise and I just stared at him. He looked at me expectantly. I looked him back in the eyes and told him that I knew I was in love because I looked into my future and imagined my life with this person and if I really liked that then that was a plus. So I told him to see if he liked his future if it was with you. He smiled and said that he loved that future. In my mind I was super excited and it was hard to keep a serious face. So I went to the next part I asked him how he would feel if you left and he never saw you again, and you know what he did. He started crying! I was shocked that even if he just imagined life without you he got so upset. He looked up at me and whispered I think I'm in love with Ryder. My eyes widened when I realized that he seriously was in love with you. I told him that he should take it slow and give you some time to see if you really liked him. So, I want to know. Do you like Brody? Do you think you could love him?"

I'm pretty sure I look like a tomato right now. Brody told his mom that he loves me. Do I love him? I think of what his mom said. Can I picture my future with him. I close my eyes and imagine waking up every morning and smelling breakfast. So, I get up and in the kitchen I see Brody making food. I could get uses to that. I imagine us making up a nursery for a new baby. I can see it all and I like it all. I can seriously picture a future with him.

I think of her second part. What would I do without Brody. If Brody wasn't here. If we couldn't find him the only thing I can see me doing is hiding under a blanket everyday crying. I can't imagine a world without Brody and just thinking about it makes me sad.

I then think of the first time I realized that I had a crush on Brody. I remeber the project we had to do and I remember that I thought he was cute. I didn't exactly have a crush on him right then. I remember that I thought I liked him in the end of 6th grade. When it was Easter and I didn't get any candy because no one really liked me. Turner was gone and I was sitting in the back of the class alone. Brody walked up to me and have me half of his candy and told me that I shouldn't be alone. He sat there with me and we are in silence, but at that moment I knew I had a crush on him. I clear my throat.

"I have had a crush on Brody since 6th grade too. I would come home and just think about him. I wouldn't tell my parents because they wouldn't want to hear it. When we went on that first date I was on cloud nine. So do I like him? Yes I do. Can I learn to love him? Well, I just might already be there. I can imagine a future with him and I don't like it at all without him. It seems weird to me that were just started dating and we already love each other, but I guess we do."

"Well then, I guess you guys are meant to be. I know we barely know each other, but I think we're going to get along really well."

"Yes, but there's one thing. I never learned your name."

"Oh, my name is Lisa and my husband is Richard."

"OK, thank you. I feel better knowing this."

"Yes, I'm going to go and look for Brody more so if you need anything, anything just call."

"Thank you. I'm going to look too. I'll talk to you later."

"Yes, talk to you later." She hangs up and I throw my phone down. I can't believe Brody loves me, and I can't believe that I love him.

I always thought he was cute and nice, bit we went on that date and I realize he is also sweet, funny, and caring. I know that sounds corny, bit its the only way to describe him. He is really nice to everyone even if there mean to him. He can always crack a joke no matter what and he I the type of guy who would put himself in harms way just to protect his friends and family. He is amazing and everything I would want in a guy.

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