24. Brody's Family

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Brody's POV


That's the only thing I hear. I don't remember what happened and I don't know where I am. I slowly open my eyes to see a blinding light. I groan and throw my hand over my eyes.

"Oh good, your awake!" I hear someone say in front of me. As I move my hand and open my eyes enough to see a man standing there. He must be a doctor.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

"Uhh, my head hurts and my leg feels weird." I reply.

"OK, well we got that knife out of your leg and you should be able to walk in a week." He writes something on his clipboard, "Your leg wasn't as bad as we all thought it was going to be. You got lucky."

A knife I'm my leg? What the heck happened. I put my head back in my pillow and slowly the memories come rushing back. Turner got me and he started to torture me. Then Ryder found me. Ryder! Where is she? Is she OK?

"Your family is here. Do you want me to bring them in?" The doctor asks.

"Yeah, but uh, where's Ryder?" I ask.

"I don't know where she is." He says and walks out. Wow, that was real helpful. I take a deep breath and suddenly the door bursts open and my mom, brother, and dad come rushing in.

"Brody! Oh my poor baby. How are you feeling?" My says and sits on the chair next to me. There are tears running down her face and she grabs my hand.

"Mom, I'm fine. Nothing hurts and I should be able to walk next week." I wipe the tears off her face. I look up and see my brother and dad. They were both crying to and I smile at them.

"Don't ever do that again!" My brother says, "Next time you go somewhere tell one of us."

"Don't worry, I will!" I put my face in my hands

"Promise?" My dad says.

"Promise! Where's Ryder?" I ask.

"Oh, Ryder is still with the police. They never told us what happened. Where have you been?" My mom replys.

"Well, let's just say I'm not the only one who had a crush on Ryder. Do you know Turner Chase?" I look at my mom.

"Oh, yes I do. Turner and Ryder are so close. There like two peas in a pod. I don't think I've ever seen one of them without the other one with them. What does he have to do with this?" They all look at me quizzically.

"Umm, Turner had a crush on Ryder and when she went out with me he got jealous. He then kidnapped me and tortured me. He brought Ryder to me and confessed his love to her thinking he would fall into his arms. She decided to play along and say she loved him to. He pulled a gun out and was about to shoot me, but Ryder took it and said she would. I thought I was going to die, but she shot and killed Turner instead." I finished telling them and they all looked horrified. My mom put her hand over her mouth and gasped.

"Ryder shot Turner? How is she doing? I can't imagine what she's going through." She said.

"She was so brave! She only cried once. If she did something she did it for me no matter what. She never once thought of herself and I felt so bad." My mom was crying even harder now.

"I knew she loved you! I don't know what I'm going to do when I see her. I'm either going go break down and cry or give her the biggest hug ever." My mom laughed. We all just looked at each other. Everyone was glad that was over and we don't have to worry about where I am. We were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled loud enough so whoever was out there could hear me. The door slowly opened and Ryder walked in. She was shaking really bad and her face was shining with fresh tears.

"I'm sorry. If I'm interrupting something I can come back later." She said and slowly started to back up.

"No, come here." I said and waved my hand. She rubbed her eyes and walked to the end of my bed.

"Ryder." My mom breathed, "Brody told me what happened. I'm so sorry." She got up and hugged Ryder.

"I'm OK." Ryder said in an unconvincing voice. My mom pulled back and grabbed her shoulders.

"No, your not. I know your not. Its OK to cry. Come sit down." She waved Ryder to her seat and pushed her into the chair.

"Did the police make you go in there?" I grab her hand.

"No, I told them I wasn't going in there and they said I didn't have to. I sat in the car, but I looked up at the wrong time." Her voice cracks. She looks at her hand and I feel a tear hit my hand.

"Hey, it's OK. Its over." I lift her head up and kiss her on the cheek. Before any one says anything there's a knock in the door.

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