11. She's Mine

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Turner's POV

I go over the plan in the head. It seems perfect almost flawless, but I still think something will go wrong. Brody is a big guy. What if he's to heavy. What if someone sees me. I shake my head. No, that won't happen I have it all mapped out. It will work.

After I grab what I need I get in my car and pull out my phone. I dial Brody's home phone and his mom answers.

"Hello?" She says.

"Umm, hi. Is Brody there I'm his friend Jake." I reply.

"Ohh, hey Jake. I haven't seen you in forever. Yeah, Brody's here," she puts the phone down, and I hear a muffled Brody! Your friend is on the phone! She picks up the phone and says," He's coming."

"Ok, thanks."

"Yeah, this is Brody."

"Alright, let's get down to business. You are going to meet me behind Infinity's Market in the vacant lot. Sound good?" I say in my deepest voice I could muster.

"Uhh, no it doesn't. Who is this?" He sounds angry.

"It doesn't matter who I am. Just be here or Ryder gets it. If I don't see you there in 20 minutes I will kill her." I growl.

"What? No, what is your problem? You will not!"

"Oh, but I will," I put the phone down and say "He doesn't believe me!" And scream my girliest scream I can do. I laugh and pick up the phone,"So, now are you going to meet me?"

"What are you doing to her? Leave her alone! I'll meet you there just don't hurt her."

"Hmm, that's what I thought. Don't be late." I hang up the phone. I smile and start the car. Its working so far.


Brody's POV

I get in my car as fast as I can. Whoever called me has Ryder, and I can't let him hurt her. I drive as fast as I can to the lot and my heart is beating so loud I'm pretty sure China can hear it. I'm all sweaty and I might start to hyperventilate. Who would do this? I don't understand why someone would want to hurt me or Ryder.

I pull into the lot and see a big shady truck sitting there. I'm freaking out, but I have to help Ryder. I get out of the car and walk halfway to the truck.

"Hello?" I yell. I don't see anything. What if it was a prank, a sick sick prank? I see a cat run up a tree and almost scream. Its just light out that I see most of something, but I still can't see it as much as I would like to. I have a weird tingling feeling like someone is watching me, and I get goosebumps. I stand straight up and look all around. I turn back to the truck and see a man standing next to it. I almost pee myself.

"Hey, who's there?" I yell. He doesn't say anything he just starts walking forward. I back up slowly towards my car. I get to the door and hear something loud behind me. I turn around expecting another person to be there, but there's nothing. I turn back around and the guy is gone. I'm really scared now. I try to open my dar but I forgot to unlock it. Before I can fish my keys out of my pocket someone jumps behind me. I freeze.

"She's mine!" He yells and wraps a rag around my mouth and nose. I inhale sharply and try to fight back, but he is really strong. The last thing I remember turning around and seeing Turner. Turner! Then everything goes black.


Turner's POV

It worked! Everything went smoothly, maybe better than I suspected. Brody passed out in my arms and I dragged him back to my truck. I grab his car keys from his pocket and lock him in my trunk. I go up to my passenger seat and grab my lighter and gas can. I go back to his car and start it.

I drive to the closest back road and find a big ditch. I push his car in it and drizzle the gas over it. I open the gas tank and pour more in it. I flick the lighter and stare at the flame. He is so going to pay for what he has done. I throw the lighter on the car and it engulfs into flames. I run down the road and hear the whole car explode.

When I get back to my truck I hop into the front. I drive all the way to my dads old house. He had a lot of woods and had a hidden building in there. That's where he did his killings so I thought it would be the perfect place. I figured no one would check there. I already have it set up. I park in front of it and go to grab Brody. I open the trunk and drag him out. He really is heavy.

By the time I get him into the building and tied to the chair I'm sweating like a pig. I admire my work. His hands are tied, so are his feet, I have him tied by his elbows, his chest is tied down to. His head is hanging and he looks dead. I laugh. He will be dead soon.

He will be dead soon.

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