15. Questions

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Brody's POV
So, Turner likes Ryder! Thats why this whole thing happened. What if someone else asked Ryder out. Would Turner have still kidnapped him. Why couldn't he of just told Ryder how he felt? Does she like him? Is she just using me to make Turner jealous? What if Ryder does like Turner and I was just being used, but Turner reacted differently than she expected? Surprisingly being used hurts more than anything Turner can do to me.

Does Ryder like me as much as I like her? If I knew this was going to happen would I still have asked her out? Yes, I wouldn't have changed anything I did. All this was worth it. Even if all I get was that one date I don't care. I'm glad I even got that. All of this was worth it!

Are there people looking for me? I'm sure there is, but are they even close to finding me or am I helpless? How is my family reacting to this? How is Ryder? I should of told them where I was going. It could have helped. What about my car that was in the lot. Did they find it? Did it help them at all? What's going on?

I need to stop thinking and asking questions that I don't know the answers to. I'm starting to scare my self. Not that I'm not already scared, but I really need to stop! I look around the room I'm in again and see that it is actually pretty big. I'm sitting right in the middle of it and I feel alone. It makes me feel helpless and tiny. I really don't like this. There's a table on the wall and the bag is still on it. I guess that's where Turner keeps all of his torture devices. That's where he got the knife that's still in my leg from.

My leg still hurts like a lot, but it doesn't hurt as bad as it did. If Turner did that and really didn't feel any regret and he looked happy when he was turning the knife around in a circle in my leg. If he looked happy doing that what else might he do? I'm scared to think about that. If he killed me would he be guilty or would he be relieved that I'm gone?

Would Ryder really fall into his arms if he killed me? Would she be flattered? She doesn't know me that well so would she be heartbroken or just a little sad? I hope she knows that I really do like her. I remember coming home after our first date and I was terrified I would do something wrong the whole time. Then I came home and just sat on my bed thinking and it was right then and there talking to my mom that I realized I was I was in love with Ryder.

Ever since my older brother Adam was murdered I was always depressed until I met Ryder and she always made me happy. Adam was murdered by some guy named Alex Chase. He also killed four of his friends. Three girls and one other guy. I was told he kidnapped them and tortured them, but he when he got tired of them he just killed them. I always sat in class and think about what it would've been like being tortured and I guess I'm going to find out.

I don't like sitting by myself in this dark room. Its really scary and I think there might be rats in the corner. Is this what went through Adams mind? We as he just as terrified as I am? Did he know who was torturing him? Did Alex have a reason like Turner's or did he just do it?

There's so many unanswered questions that are going through my mind and I don't like it. Being by myself in a place like this is really scary. How did Turner find this place anyway? I don't know of I want to know this. I hate being alone and my only thing to do is come up with questions and over think. I hate questions.

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