8. He's Dead

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Turner's POV

Brody asked Ryder out in a date. Brody actually had the nerve to ask her on a date. Brody asked my girl on a date. Brody is so stupid! He has no idea what he has gotten himself in to.

Ryder said yes. Ryder agreed to go on a date with Brody. Ryder, my girl, is going on a date with someone else. She has no idea that the perfect guy for her has been right next to her since kindergarten. She has no clue that she just made a mistake.

I climb out of bed and look in the mirror. My brown hair is sticking up in all different places, my skin is as pale as a ghost, my eyes are bloodshot, and I have huge purple bags under my eyes. I look like a zombie. I look this bad because Ryder is going on a date without someone and its not me. This is horrible. I've never felt this much pain since my dad died.

I never really knew my dad because he went to jail when I was 9. I never knew why they took him away until I was 13, after they told me I decided that it was better that I didn't know. He went to jail because he kidnapped and killed three girls and two guys. I never knew this and when people asked I just said that he was a theif. I didn't want people to know. Now my father wasn't always a crazy phsyco killer. He was a good father, he always did hose stupid jokes, we played baseball together, he would always ruffle my hair, and he would call me champ. He was the normal father. I loved him and I still did after he went to jail. He died because at the jail he was at all the inmates decided to riot so he used that as a chance to escape. The only probably was that he got got and they shot him so he died instantly. No one knew the whole story except Ryder and it didn't seem to bother her, and I was glad.

Ryder was always perfect. But like I said she was...until she went on a date with Brody. I stop staring at my self in the mirror and take a shower. As soon as I get out I begin to make my plan.

There is one advantage to having a killer as a father.

You get those genes with you and sometimes it helps.

He's dead!

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