23. The Police

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Ryder's POV

I lift my head up and wipe my tears. I look over at Brody and smile. I start the car and pull back onto the road. We sit in silence the whole time, but we both know that the closer we get to the police station, the more nervous we get. I see him fidget in his seat and I grab his hand. He seems to settle down a little so I give his hand a squeeze.

"It's ok. We can do this." I reassure him. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"I know. I'm just nervous, what's everyone going to say. What's going to happen when they find out you killed him?" He says.

"I don't know, but whatever happens we'll get through it." I answer.

"I know we can." He says looking out the window. We pull up to the station and I look at Brody.

"How are we going to do this?" I mutter.

"I don't think I can get out. Can you just run in there and get them?" He asks.

"Yeah. I'll wait until your family is here and then I'll show them where Turner is. I know you probably don't want me to leave you here." I lean back in my seat and hold both his hands.

"Please dont leave me alone." He chokes, "I don't ever want to be alone again."

"I know, I know. I promise I won't ever leave you alone. I'll run in there, tell them I need help and run back out to you ok?" I say with a smile.

"OK, please hurry." There are tears in his eyes and my heart breaks even more. I lean over and give him a quick kiss on the cheek. I squeeze his hand real quick and hop out. I run up to the door and try to be as quick as possible. I whip open the door and everyone whips there head up to look at me.

"Quick, we need help!" I say and turn around and run back to Brody. I pull open the passenger door and Brody jumps.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just wanted to let them know where to go." I apologize. The sheriff comes up to the door looks at him.

"Brody?" His deep voice cracks at the end. Brody looks up and takes a deep breath.

"That's me sir." He replys.

"Oh my!" He turns around and yells for someone to call an ambulance, "What happened?" He looks at us both.

"I would prefer if she tells you after my family gets here. I don't want her to leave me." Brody begs.

"Ok, that's fine. I guess, we can do that." He watches Brody closely and rubs his eyes, "You have no idea how much we looked for you. I honestly didn't think we could find you this fast. Ryder how did you find him?"

I don't want to answer these questions right now. I turn around and put my forehead on the car. There are tears streaming down my face and I breathe in a loud shaky breath. I feel someone rubbing my back and it just makes it worse. A sob comes out of mouth as I remember everything that happened again.

"It's ok, you don't have to tell me yet." I hear the sheriff tell me. I wipe my eyes and turn around. Brody looks up at me and trys to smile for me. Before I can say anything I hear faint sirens and know the ambulance is coming.

The ambulance pulls into the parking lot and three paramedics run out to us with a stretcher. The sheriff steps back and before I can Brody grabs my hand.

"Please stay here." He whispers.

"I will." I reply. Two paramedics run up to Brody and he let's go of my hand. I turn around and the other paramedic is there for me.

"Hi, my names Becky. Are you hurt?" She looks me up and down and notices my hand all bloody. She grabs it and I flinch.

"I guess I was squeezing the keys to hard." I whisper.

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