29. Finally Over

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Ryder's POV

"Thank you!" I hear someone yell. A door gets slammed behind me and I hear a scream.

"Brody?" I whisper.

"Sshh, its OK. Your going to be fine." He says, but I hear his voice crack.

"What happened?" My voice sounds all scratchy. I flinch at the sound of it.

"Do you remember anything?" I hear Brody say from somewhere above me.

"No." I cry out in pain when I'm put into seat of a car. My vision blurs and gets darker.

"I'm sorry. Ryder? Stay with me." Is the last thing I hear before I'm thrown into a pit of darkness.


*Beep beep beep beep*

I hear the familiar sounds of a hospital and slowly open my eyes. I realize that I'm the one in the hospital bed and wonder what happened. I close my eyes again and finally remember that Vicki is the reason I'm here.

I groan and look over and see my mom sleeping in a chair. My eyes widen when I see her. She was never a great mom so I was surprised to see that she actually came with me to the hospital.

When I look to my left I see a sleeping Brody with his hair all over the place and tear stains on his cheeks. It looks like he hasn't slept for days until now. I throw my head back in the pillows and sigh.

I look down at my body and see bandages all over. There all up my arms and some on my legs. I reach my arms up to my forehead and find a bandage. There's also one on the back of my head. I bet Vicki gave me a concussion when she kept slamming my head into the back of the chair.

"R-ryder?" I hear someone whisper to my left. I see Brody with wide eyes and tears just on the brink of spilling.

"Yeah?" I say, but my voice cracks and sounds really hoarse. Before I can say anything else Brody jumps up and grabs a cup of water.

"Here. Drink this, it will help." He puts the cup up to my mouth and helps me take a couple sips.

"Thank you." I say testing my voice. It sounds a little better...just a little.

"No problem. What do you remember?" He asks.

"Everything. I remember everything from going to Vicki's house to getting in the car and blacking out." I whisper.

"Ryder, that was four days ago." Brody says and grabs my hand.

"Four days? What happened to Dave and Vicki?" I lean back on my pillows and stare at the ceiling.

"Well, Dave showed up and he wrestled with Vicki for a while, but eventually knocked her out long enough for us to escape. We were just out the door and she woke up, so he got her tied to a chair and called the cops. Right now, she is in the opposite side of the hospital for one more day. They are moving her to the mental hospital tomorrow." He finishes and I let out a long slow breath. I don't like that she's in the same building with me.

"Aren't you nervous about her being in the same hospital as us?" I look at him.

"I was very nervous, but they say we have nothing to worry about." He shakes his head.

"Okay-" I start.

"Ryder! Oh, I was so worried." My mom interrupts me and puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Not to be rude, but why do you care? You didn't even know I had a boyfriend, you didn't ask me how I was doing when Brody was missing, you didn't come to the hospital to see how he was doing, and you didn't care that I was leaving the house. Actually you weren't at the house half the time to know if I was home or not. So, why now?" She starts crying and puts her face in her hands.

"That's just it. I'm a horrible mother! I am barely in your life. The last time I asked you how your day was was when you were in like sixth grade. Your my only child and I treat you like crap. I make you feel invisible, don't I? Me and your father are terrible parents. I got a call that said you were going to the hospital and that you were going in a coma and I realized everything that I have been doing. I didn't even know you were going to Vicki's. You could've died. So, from now on me and your father will be the best parents out there. I promise. I don't know if this will make it better, but I'm sorry and we will be there for you." I start to cry. I've been waiting forever for my parents to finally treat me like a daughter. I put my hands over my face and lean into my moms arms. I lay there for a while just crying and crying and crying. Brody is rubbing my back and playing with my hair.

"I'd like to have parents that care again." I whisper. My mom pulls my hands away from my face and hugs me.

"We will care about you and love you and always be there when you need us. You will never be ignored again." She whispers. I pull back and nod. She wipes the tears from my eyes and helps me readjust my pillows.

"OK." I say. I hear a knock on the door and see my dad standing there.

"I'm so sorry. Like your mom said we have been horrible. I promise to be a better dad. Your my only daughter and I almost lost you. We would have never gotten over the guilt if we didn't get you back. We are going to be the best parents ever." He says and there's tears running down his face.

"OK." I nod and he walks over to stand behind my mother. Brody opens his mouth to speak, but are interrupted by people rushing in the door. Brody's parents and brother run in and his mom grabs my hand.

"Oh my. How are you feeling? I can't believe this. We trusted her and-and we almost lost both of you because of that family. We already lost one we don't need to lose two more." Susan says and tears are rushing down her face.

"Its OK. I feel fine, nothing hurts. We made it out and its finally over." I smile. I look around and see everyone I love smiling back at me. It's finally over. 

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