19. Strange Turn Of Events

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Ryder's POV

Turner was behind this whole thing! How could he have done this? He was my best friend and he knew I liked Brody why did he do it?

"I love you Ryder! Brody got in the way, and I couldn't let him do that! As soon as he is gone we can be together. Everything will be perfect." I hear Turner say from the corner. Turner loves me? Why didn't he tell me?

I look up at Brody and see the guy who I have had a crush on forever, but just now got to know. I really do love him and I know he loves me to. He's an amazing guy with so much to live for. The whole town loves him and I can't imagine a world without him.

Then I turn and look at Turner. He's been my bestfriend ever since I could talk. He has been there through thick and thin. I can't even count how many times he has been there for me. I have so many memories with him and I don't know if I can let all those go. Even though he tried to murder Brody I still love him. Its hard not to. With everything that we did I can't just not love him.I look into Turner's eyes and immediately know what to do.

I stand up and look down at Brody real quick. His face is so swollen and he has blood all over. Just thinking about what he went through to look like that makes me sick so I turn around and walk over to Turner. I wrap my arms around his waist and stare into his eyes.

"You really did this for me?" I whisper.

"Of course I did! Your amazing Ryder. I've loved you ever since eighth grade," He says and pulls me closer, "Why are you crying?"

"These are tears of joy. I always thought you only loved me as a sister. I secretly have had a crush on you since eighth grade to."

"You did? If you did then why did you say you liked Brody and why did you go out with him?" He trys to pull away, but I hug him tighter.

"I said that I liked him because I wanted to get your attention. To see how you might react. I went out with Brody to try to make you jealous. I didn't think you liked me so I had to do something to find out. When Brody asked me out I figured that that was my chance. I never expected you to love me this much." I can tell that I have tears streaming down my face now.

"When you told me that you liked Brody my world came crashing down. I felt like I was dying. Then you went out with Brody and I was so jealous that there's not even a way to describe it. I just really needed Brody to disappear. So, I kidnapped him. I was going to keep him for a while for longer, but you told me that you loved him. I had to show you what I was doing so you would understand that you love me not him." He wipes the tears from my face.

"You didn't have to do this. If you told me that you loved me I would've left Brody and went to you, but I guess this shows me how much you really do love me right." I laugh.

"Yes, it does doesn't it, but how do I know this isn't a trick. How do I know you actually do love me and not Brody?" He asks. I smile, stand on my tippy toes, and kiss him.

I think I caught him off guard, because he doesn't react at first. After a while he figures out what is happening and melts into the kiss. After a while we hear someone clear there throat behind us. We break apart and catch our breath. I turn around and see Brody with tears streaming down his face.


"LISTEN HERE BRODY! YOUR NOT GOING TO SCREAM AT MY GIRL!" Turner screams back, "You know what I've had enough of you." He let's go of me and walks to the table with a bag on it. When he is searching through his bag I walk over to Brody.

"Go away! I don't want to look at you!" He spits at me.

"Don't talk to my baby like that!" Turner yells at Brody. He walks up to Brody and stands behind me. I see the gun in his hand and can tell what's going to happen next.

"I'm going to kill you for getting in the way of this relationship and for yelling at her like this." He pulls the gun up and points it at Brody's chest.

"Wait!" I scream. Turner looks at me.

"What?" He asks. I turn to look at him.

"Let me do it! I want to show you how much I love you!" I say. I grab the gun from his hands and point it at Brody.

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