14. The Worst Part

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Turner's POV

I finally have Brody right where I want him. He can't go on anymore dates with Ryder so she's all mine. I don't know if I should check up in Ryder or not. Should I see what there thinking? Ah, what the heck. Why not?

Turner: hey

I'll just make small talk and if she brings it up I will talk about him. Last night was so much fun. He looked so scared in that lot. It worked out better than I thought it would. I don't know why he turned around, but that was like perfect. It gave me enough time to hide in the other side of his car and come up behind him. You should of seen his face when I grabbed him. I knew he seen my face and I wanted him to. Oh, this is amazing. Ryder will find out what I did for her and fall into my arms like I always wanted her to. My phone dings.

Ryder: hey

Turner: how r u

I should already know this answer. Shes probably scared. She's probably worried or sad. I know this part would come and I wish it didn't have to. Of course she would be sad that her boyfriend was missing. I wish I could skip this part and move on so she doesn't have to go through this. I wish, I wish, I wish. Well, I guess it has to happen for this to work.

Ryder: ehh Ive been better

Turner: why whats wrong

I hate lying to her. This is the worst part. I feel so sorry for her. Stop it! I need to forget about this. This has to happen. If it doesn't happen this plan will never work.

Ryder: brodys missing and I dont know what to do

Turner: hes missing?? Omg im so sorry does the police have any ideas about what happened

I laugh. Of course they don't. I covered my tracks and there's no way they could figure out what happened. I find it funny how they will never suspect me. The police have no idea what is happening. There clueless and I will never get caught.

Ryder: yeah hes missing they found his car but not him

Turner: where was his car

Of course I already know where his car is. I feel bad that Ryder had to know that his car was found like that. I wonder what she thinks? Does she think he was kidnapped? Does she think he ran away? Does she think he's dead? Ryder must be so confused. I have to remind myself that in the end Ryder will be flattered that I did this for her. She will fall into my arms and be mine.

Ryder: his car was in a ditch on fire

Turner: was he in it or near it or did he get away

He didn't get away and he wasn't in it. He was in the back of my truck unconscious. No one will know this though. How could they? I wonder what he's doing right now?

Ryder: they found footprints leading away but they just disappear so know help

Turner: oh I hope we find him

That could of been bad. What if the footprints didn't disappear? What if it lead back to that lot? I need to be more careful. That would not of ended good.

Ryder: yeah me 2

Well, I know where the police are at so that's good. There no where near finding him. They have no leads, no clues, and no ideas. I am in the clear.

Time to pay Brody another visit.

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