5. Luckiest Man On Earth

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Brody's POV

I can't believe that it finally happened. I finally got up the nerve to ask Ryder out. When I asked her I was so nervous. She looked especially beautiful with her blonde hair flowing in loose curls and her bright green eyes sparkling behind those dark eyelashes. Her pink lips were just begging to be kissed. I was so nervous I couldn't even look at her. I could just state at my hands.

"Hey, Brody!" Says a voice behind me. Before I can turn around someone jumps on my back.

"Hey, Carver!" I say. Carver is my brother and he is very annoying...sometimes. Most of the time.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Oh nothing just thinking that I'm the luckiest man on earth!" I say with my biggest smile.

"What! Why?" He says really curious.

"Because I just asked Ryder out and she said yes!" I practically scream.

"Serious?" He looks at me surprised, "You got the hottest girl in school in school to go out with you?"

"Hey! That's harsh, and she's not going out with me I just asked if she would hang out." I correct him.

"Oh, well are you gonna ask her if its a date out if she will be your girlfriend?" He asks and wiggles her eyebrows.

"I don't know, I mean what I know about her she seems really cool and I like her." I say completely serious.

"Oh, so your serious about her?" He asks suddenly serious.

"Well not like that. I just like her and I hope she likes me to." I reply slowly. I look down at the floor. I keep thinking that if she will be my girlfriend I would die of sheer joy. I wouldn't be able to hide my happiness.

"What are you thinking about?" He cocks his head to one side.

"Just what would happen if she was actually my girlfriend."

"And if she says yes?" He smiles.

"I probably would go crazy. I would be so happy that I wouldn't know what to do." I laugh.

"Well if she says yes I know what you should do." He says with a smirk.

"Oh do you? And what would that be?"I wonder.

"You should just kiss her!" He jokes.

"I might just do that!"

I might do that!

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