2.You got the hots for him

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Ryder's POV

As we walk down the hallway, I catch a glimpse of Brody. He's like only the hottest guy in school. All the girls drool over him. I never tell anyone I like him. If people ask I say he's a total idiot and that I don't like him, but deep down I secretly have a massive crush on him.

"Hey, earth to Ryder! Hello? Is anyone there?" Turner asks snapping his fingers in my face.

"Oh sorry. I didn't realize what I was doing, I just kinda started daydreaming sorry." I apologize.

"Yeah, I kinda figured that out." He smiled, "You know I think I know your biggest secret."

"Oh yeah, and what would that be?" I glare at him with my eyebrows raised.

"I can tell by the way you look at Brody that you have the hots for him." He said. I stopped walking and just stand there taken by surprise.

"W-what?" I finally managed to say.

"Come on Ryder! You can't hide it forever. Every time you walk by him you stare at him and start to day dream. Its obvious, don't deny it."

"OK so maybe he's a little cute." He raises one eyebrow.

"Fine, really cute. I swear though that if you tell anybody I will kick you in the balls! Got it?" I stare at him meaning every word of what I said.

"Yeah yeah, I know." He laughs, but there's a small flash of sadness in his eyes. Before I ask him what's wrong  we walk into our English class and hear Mrs. Masters very high and nasally voice.

"Your late!" She glares at us from under her glasses, "Again! Take your seat both of you." Mrs.Masters is pretty much the poster image of a highschool English teacher. She must be like 80 or so years old. She's always yelling at kids and keeps a ruler by her desk to try to scare us. She always wears the same white shirt and blue blazer with her pencil skirt. And of course she always has her gray hair up in the perfect old lady bun. She is always standing up straight and even when she sits it's like she has a stick up her butt.

"Alright class, today your gonna pick your partners for the 5-page essay. You need to choose someone you like, but not someone who will make you just goof off and not get anything done." She says and starts glaring at me and Turner.

"Hey Turner, you wanna be my partner?" I ask loud enough so Mrs.Masters can hear.

"Sure, why not." He laughs when the teacher let's out an angry sigh.

"OK class be quiet does everyone have a partner? Yeah, good. Now your paper should be at least 5 paragraphs no less OK? It is going to be about problems in highschool. For example, you could write it on bullying or being late for class." Again she stares at us. I cock my head to the side and feign surprise. She just glares.

"So, any questions?" And with that the bell rings. Turner and I get up to leave and walk out of class. Were both laughing about how we love getting Mrs.Masters angry.

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