20. Worse Than Torture

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Brody's POV

This is worse than the torture Turner put me through. Ryder fell into Turner's arms when she learned that he was going to kill me. I loved her. I still do, but I feel so betrayed. She sided with a monster and now she is going to kill me.

"Are you sure?" Turner asked.

"Yes, you need to know that I truly love you and this will show you." Ryder said while pointing the gun at my chest.

"Ok." Turner said stepping back. I felt him stand beside me. I looked up at Ryder and shook my head.

"Please Ryder! Don't do this!" I screamed.

"I'm sorry!" She cried. Before I knew what was happening she turned the gun and pointed it at Turner. I heard a gunshot near my head and closed my eyes.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Ryder crying on the floor and a blood covered Turner laying on the floor near me. Ryder slowly got up and sat next to Turner. I just watched quietly.

"I'm sorry Turner. You might of been my best friend, but I can't let you kill the person I love." She said putting a hand on his chest. I can tell he was already dead. She got up, wiped her eyes, and walked over to me. She untied my hands and chest. Before she could untie my feet I grabbed her arms.

"Why?" Is all I manage to say. She looks up at me and starts crying all over again.

"Well, when I saw you I freaked out and-and Turner said he did it because he loved me so I didn't know what to do because I love you so so much. Turner was my best friend though and I couldn't live without either of you, but when I seen what he did to you I felt like throwing up. I decided to play along with him and I felt disgusting the whole time. When he pulled out that gun I-I-I don't know what I felt and I had to get it away from him. I grabbed it and told him I would do it, but I knew I couldn't just stand there. You couldn't die and I didn't want Turner to die, but I had to so I shot him." She rambled on. I only caught a few words here and there, but I got what she was saying. She untied my feet and stood up.

"Stay here. I'm going to call the police." She says.

"Why can't you do it in here?" I panicked. I didn't want her to leave me alone with Turner.

"I don't have service. I promise I'll be quick. I'll just say I found you and tell them where we are."

"Where even are we?"

"I don't know. The place where that group of kids were killed."

"You know they were killed by Turner's father right?"

"Yes, but I never learned the kids names or anything."

"They were my friends and one was my brother."

"Oh Brody! I'm so sorry. I didn't know. This-" I interuppted her.

"Its alright. Just go. I'll be OK."

"I'll be super quick." She said and ran out.

I looked at Turner and noticed a growing puddle of blood. I felt sick and tried to put myself in Ryder's shoes. She just shot the person she grew up with. The person who gave her her most important memories. She just shot her best friend and is trying to stay strong for me.

Ryder comes running in with more tears running down her face.

"Are the police coming?" I ask. She just shook her head and dropped to the floor next to me.

"No, my phone is at home. I don't know what to do." She puts her head on my arm, "Its all my fault."

"No, you didn't know you needed your phone."

"That's not what I'm talking about. Its all my fault that Turner hurt you. Its all my fault that were stuck here." She whispers.

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