21. I Love You

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Ryder's POV

It's all my fault. Turner did this because of me. Brody wouldn't of been hurt if I didn't like him. Why did I have to have these stupid feelings? If I never had a crush on Brody he wouldn't of been hurt and Turner would still be alive.

I felt a hand grab my chin and lift my head up. I look up and see that Brody is crying to.

"This is not your fault. Did you make Turner kidnap me? Did you tell him to try and kill me?" He says

"No, but its my fault because I had a crush on you and if I knew Turner liked me I could of some how stopped him." I reply.

"If you didn't like me back it would've been worse than being tortured, and how would you stop him. Pretend to date him? You would be miserable."

"Yeah, your right. I just feel like I could've stopped him." I sit up on my knees and grab both of his hands, "If you knew this was going to happen, would you still date me?" Of course he wouldn't Ryder! No one would do this for you!

"Yes, I would! You know why? Because I love you! Ryder I love you so much and I don't know what to do. You are so amazing and I can't help, but want to spend the rest of my life with you."

I look up at Brody in shock. He really does love me. I cup his cheek with my hand and lean in. Our lips brush against each other's and I smile. I push him back in the chair and kiss him soft and gentle. I put my arms around his head and pull back. I look into his eyes and bite my lip. I lean over to his ear and whisper.

"I love you to, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

I sit back and smile. There's tears rolling down his cheeks and he's wearing a ten feet long smile. If he wasn't crying and his face wasn't that swollen he would be super cute. He still is, but it ruins it because I know who caused it.

"You really mean it? You really want to be with me after all this?" He asks.

"Of course! I love you so much that I can't imagine my life without you," I reach out and wipe his tears very gently, "Come on, let's get out of here."

"How? You don't have your phone." He says kissing my hands. I force a smile and feel more tears roll down my cheeks. I look over at Turner's body. Brody is about to say something, but I stop him when I pull away and crawl over to Turner. I take a shaky breath and put my hand on his stomach. I reach into his pocket and grab his keys.
"I'm so sorry Turner. Please forgive me. Please?" I lean over and kiss his forehead. I stand up and run a hand through my hair.

"Are you OK?" I hear Brody ask behind me. I can't talk so I just shake my head and turn around. My throat is clenched and there's an ache behind my eyes. Before I know it the tears are streaming down my face and I fall in the floor. Those three words broke me out of whatever I was in and now I feel the pain of losing Turner. Everything just comes crashing down wave after wave. My sobs break the silence and I cry uncontrollably. I squeeze the keys in my hand so hard I feel blood running down my arm. I hug my knees and stare at Turner.

I cry because of what he did to Brody. I cry because the pain Brody went through. I cry because I shot my best friend. I cry because I know he won't be there when I wake up in the morning. I cry because he died to young. I cry because Brody should've never gone through this, and I cry because of the unfairness of it all.

I don't know how long I sit there, but I eventually stop crying and try to steady my breathing. I wipe my eyes and unclench my hand. There' s blood all over the keys and my arm. I wipe the keys on my shirt and put them in my pockets. I stand up and turn around. Brody is crying almost as much as I was.

"I couldn't stand it, you were crying so much and I couldn't get out of this Chuck forsaken chair. I wanted to help you or hug you, but I couldn't and I felt horrible." He says looking at the chair, tears running down his face.

"It's ok, I know. I just needed to cry. I'm fine now. Don't worry about me we need to get you out of here." I say and walk over to him.

"How?" He whispers.

"I'm going to help you up and were going to slowly walk out to Turner's car." I say and put my arm around his shoulders to help him up, "Ready? Put all your weight on your other leg. One, two, three!" I pull him up as he pushes himself out and he grunts in pain. He hops on his unwounded leg and I help him towards the door. Every few steps he has to stop because it hurts, but we eventually get to the door. I push it open and see the car a few feet away.

We both smile knowing we can get out and hobble to the car. I open the passenger door and slide Brody in it. He hisses when most of his weight goes on the leg with the knife in it and switches positions. When he's all settled in I walk over and get in the drivers side.

"We did it!" He breaths. I laugh and grab his hand.

"Yes, we did!" I cheer. He looks at me and laughs.

"I love you." He smiles.

"I love you too."

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