10. Best Night Ever

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Ryder's POV

I just got home from my date with Brody and I am so happy. That was the best night ever. Not only did I get to hang out with him, but he also asked me to be his girlfriend. I was like cool on the outside, but on the inside I was dancing, screaming, yelling, and just plain out freaking out. What was really cute about it was that when he was asking me he could barely look at me. Brody was so nervous and he just stared at his hands and looked up when I finally spoke. I can't believe that a guy that amazing and hot wants to date me. I always thought no one liked me. I glance at my phone a see that I have a message.

Turner: how is ur date with Brody

Ryder: it was amazing!!!!!! Guess what!!!!!

I throw my phone on my bed and look at myself in the mirror. I sigh when I see that my hair is all over the place, my skin looks as pale as a zombie, and my eyeliner is smudged a bit. I look horrible. It embarrasses me to realize that Brody seen me like this. I feel like crying, but before I start my phone buzzes.

Turner: thats good and what?

Ryder: u r talking to Brody's new girlfriend!

When I send that I smile. It's like a dream. I am Brody's girlfriend. I squeal with delight. It just seems right that I would say that.

Turner: seriously??? ur his girlfriend now???

Ryder: dont act so surprised gosh and yep he asked me today!!! Ahhh

I think back to earlier and smile when I remember Brody's shocked expression when I beat him in skee-ball. It was adorable, he looked almost ready to cry.

I remember seeing him standing at the door watching me with Alexandria. His lips were twitching upwards in a half smile and his eyes were watching, but at the same time, wandering other places. Like he was daydreaming about something.

I remember him being a mix between horrified and amused when he seen me almost jump on the pizza. He was shocked that I ate more than half the cheesy bread and about half of the pizza.

I remember his amazing laugh ever time I would tell him a pick up line.
Do you have any raisins? No, how about a date? That was his favorite. He also liked. Call me Ariel because I want to be part of your world. And. My name isn't Sully, but you can still be my Boo. Those weren't even my best ones and I pretty much had him rolling on the floor clutching his sides from laughing to hard.

Turner: im not suprised I just wanted to make sure u wernt messing with me! Congrats Ryder i knew you liked him

Ryder: I wouldnt joke about that its to amazing! Thanks turner do you want a round of applause?

I laugh and put my phone down. Turner can be so stupid sometimes but he is the best friend a girl can have.

I grab my pj's and go take a shower. All I can think about is how awesome that date was and how lucky I am. I have the most awesome boyfriend ever.

Best night ever!

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