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Here we go- Again

Damn my life. I hate this. This is so freaking annoying. 

I looked at the school gates, 'CRESTWOOD HIGH' it said. At least it didn't look as shitty as the last one. I named the last school the dorky high because all the people there, were dorks, literally. They would just dip their noses into books and vomit the knowledge out on the exam paper. 

What a crappy way to live. I snickered at my personal nickname for my previous school earning a few stares from people passing by. Oh, it's gonna be a long day. 

With a long last breath, I walked in, starting a small journey yet again in another school. I hated this. How much longer till I leave here forever again? Ya, that's right a year and 7 months. And then I'm free.

The corridors were buzzing with people right before the class started. I hate crowds. Looking down at the paper in my hand, I read the first few words. 

Period 1: Social studies. Great. I let out a groan as I tried to find my first class, room 25A only before bumping into someone. "I'm sorry," I said instantly regretting my decision to walk this way.  "watch where you are going, Mia, don't want you making a fool out of yourself on your first say" replied Bianca in a bitchy tone and a few girls around her giggling at me. 

I raised an eyebrow at her looking the girls up and down, thinking how can someone make friends that quick. This was her first day just as it was mine. Bianca just rolled her eyes and walked away, the girls following her way. 

I entered my classroom with a sigh and instantly feeling awkward as everyone laid eyes on the new girl curiously. I took an empty seat in the back row as the teacher placed a book in front of me walking back in front of the class. 

Oh, thank God at least he wasn't one of those 'introduce yourself' teachers. 

The rest of the day passed by quick enough. As usual, no interactions no small talk. I didn't even try and I was okay with that. As I exited the school I saw Bianca drive off in her fancy little car. She didn't look back. But then again when did she ever, even though we live in the same house. 

I put in my earphones as I continued my walk down the road towards where I am 'currently' living with my adoptive parents. After a good 30 minutes walk, I reached home. 


I am so freaking tired! I do not want to do this anymore. 

"Move your hands faster Mia! There is soo much more cleaning left to do!" My adoptive mother yelled at me as I could only roll my eyes. Just do it yourself then, I thought. 

Suddenly my head was whipped around with a stronghold and sharp nails digging into my cheek. "Did you just roll your eyes at me girl?!" Bianca screeched at my face. "No" I replied pulling my face out of her hands. That hurt. 

My face was yet again whipped to the side as my cheek became burning hot. 

"Do not show attitude to my daughter, do you understand!" My adoptive mother screamed after slapping me hard and shoving my face to look at her. I fought back tears. This is not how my life was supposed to be. I looked at a smirking Bianca behind her as I brought my eyes back at her. 

"Yes mother," I said, and she left my face. I ran upstairs to my room not wanting to do all this anymore.

Locking my door I fell on my bed looking up at the ceiling as the tears streamed down freely now.

It's okay, at least it wasn't the father. I thought to myself taking deep breaths. After a few moments, I gave up trying to convince myself. 

I looked at the picture on my nightstand. 

I miss you, mama. 

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