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I woke up with my head pounding and my wrists felt like they were on fire. Then everything hit me like a ton of bricks. Oh shit!

Bianca, it was Bianca!

How did she know? How did she find me?

I hope Kiley is okay.

I tried to move but my wrists hurt like a bitch. I looked down at the sleek nylon rope digging into my skin, drawing blood. The dimly lit room smelled of alcohol and mold and it almost made me gag. What the hell is this place?

"Well, well look at that! The princess is awake!" A shrill voice screeched and I never good mistake that voice.

Bianca entered the room a fake smile plastered on her face. "I have waited for this day for a while now." She said and came closer to me.

Millions of questions swirled around in my brain, but out came nothing. "What? The cat got your tongue?" She asked smirking and I wanted to claw her stupid face.

"What the hell do you want, bitch?" I spat as her palm collided with my cheek. The walls rung and blood rushed to my cheek.

"I see you have forgotten your place here. Living with Jaxon has gotten to your head. You are nothing. Just a little orphan girl and a worthless waste of space." She said, squeezing my cheek with her manicured nails painfully.

Her words struck straight to my heart but I didn't show it on the outside. "After you are dead, I'm going to be there for Jaxon and he would forget all about you." She continued and a fire lit inside me. Is that really her end plan? That she will kill me and Jaxon would fall in love with her somehow? She really is crazy. I almost laughed.

I kicked her as hard as I could straight on her calf as her hand loosed and she stumbled back grunted. A little proud smile plastered on my face. She screeched "you little bitch!" As she launched trying to hit me again but a voice boomed in the room.

"Enough!" An authoritative voice rang through the room as Bianca halted. I would have guessed it was father but it wasn't. It was a man I didn't know. He emerged from the dark and his physique didn't seem anything like his voice. He had a vibe of the evil. He was short and bulky and gross. I didn't like him, at all.

His thin hair covered his forehead and his face had a huge slash right in the middle. His teeth were yellowish and he just looked ugly. Just being near him made me want to gag.

"Aren't you a pretty little thing." He said striding close to me. Bianca was now standing in a corner. "No wonder Eric wanted you too. May God rest his soul." Ew. Disgusting. Wait- father is dead?

"He's dead?" I asked astonished.

"Yes, your little boyfriend killed him and his wife." The man replied grimly and standing too close for my comfort. I felt like throwing up. Jaxon had killed father.

"No he didn't! It wasn't Jaxon's fault. It was hers, it's all her fault!" Bianca screamed her eyes brimming with tears. I would feel bad for her but I didn't. Losing parents is something I know very well but I didn't care. After what they did. I didn't care.

"Get out now your job here is done." The man said as Bianca gave me a final glare and left. Jaxon wouldn't fall for her act. He wouldn't. I convinced myself. He was smarter than this. I knew it.

The man brushed my hair with his filthy hands and I winced. "Don't touch me!" I scurried. Shaking but keeping my demeanour unchanged. If only I could free my hands I would kill this man.

"Aw now why would I not honey, you belong to me. I can do whatever I wish with you." He said showing his disgusting yellow teeth.

"I belong to no one!" I exclaimed trying to kick him but failing because he was too far yet too close at the same time.

" yes you do honey. You belong to me. Your father had sold you to me long ago but that stupid guy died before he could hand you over." He explained calmly. Shit. He was the guy. Father's 'friend' the one he wanted to give me to. This is so messed up.

I said nothing. I didn't know what to say. My mind only could think of ways I could escape. The old me would have started crying and thinking about the ways I was to die long back but the new me is not going to. I would fight. If I never escaped here I would die trying.

"Don't worry honey, I wouldn't kill you. Not yet. It was be a waste of all this beauty." He started touching my face and I looked at him disgusted.

He stopped when his old brown eyes looked at my expression. "You are a feisty one aren't you" he smiled cockily. "Oh the things I would do to you." He touched my lips and I bit him trying to inflict any kind of pain. His mere touch disgusted me and he was planning on raping me. I would rather freaking die.

His fist then connected with my jaw. "Now, now, don't be such a fool. You be a good little slut and I'll be gentle. My gang isn't known to be that way so I'm just being nice to you. Don't tempt me, sweet." He said his lips almost on mile and I tried my best to move my face from his death grip.

He then moved away and relief washed over me. "I will be back soon" he declared as he walked out closing the door behind him, leaving me in the dark room. I took deep breaths to calm myself down.

I know Jaxon would be looking for me already, and he isn't gonna stop. But this time I would not be just a damsel in distress waiting for my prince to save me.

This time I would put up a fight.

I promised myself that.

What do you guys think?!

Next chapter is Jaxon's POV again. I'm excited !


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