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"Jaxon we are going to be late for training," I said breathless, moaning out his name. It was almost a miracle that I was speaking actual words.

"Mhm," he said kissing down my cleavage and gripping my ass. "Jaxon," I tried creating distance between us again but it came out as another moan. God, what was he doing to me? I have no self-control.

"If you say my name that way once more time baby, you won't be able to walk for a week straight." He continued kissing my bare chest and his hand had traveled to unspeakable places. I couldn't speak any further. Tomorrow is the day that I was going to Raven's base and I had been training for it for over a week now. 

Although, Jaxon had done everything in his power to keep me from training or going. He really didn't want me to go. And he used my sexual frustration to his power. Over the past few days, he had been claiming me, taking in every inch of my body like no other. 

He was using sex as a weapon.

It felt like he was worshipping me and I wasn't complaining. I wanted to take all of him in too, because hell, we both knew how dangerous this is going to be. One mistake and that is the last time I take a breath. 

But training is important if I wanted to survive. 

Finally mustering the willpower I successfully pushed his arms off me and looked him straight in the eye. "Jaxon, training. Now." I said sternly. He rolled his eyes and looked back at me. 

"Are you forgetting, I am the boss? It's not like you are gonna get yelled at because you were late" He replied cockily, arrogance dripping from his voice. 

"Oh, and besides, it's my turn to train you today anyways." He said again dipping his head in my neck and sucking at my soft spot earning another moan from me. How the hell did he find the soft spot, just like that?

I'm screwed with this man, aren't I?

"Jaxon, what if I screw up tomorrow because I haven't trained enough," I said and that made him freeze. He then got up grumbling and went straight to the closet muttering a "Fine get up, we are leaving in five."


"Faster, Mia. You are letting lose, keep your arm strong and straight, if you bend it, it will break." Jaxon said changing the position of my arm while I was hitting a punching bad. I was breathing heavily and sweat dripped down my body. 

I went faster and kept going. "Good, thirty more seconds." He said watching the stopwatch in his hand. I kept my posture straight and steady. 

The timer went off and I stopped breathing heavily. Jaxon dabbed a soft towel across my face and gave a soft kiss. "You did good, baby." He smile and I felt proud of myself. I had gotten a lot better over the last week of my training and I felt it. 

I felt strong.

After that, we went to the shooting range to practice my aim. My aim had always been good but guns definitely weren't my thing. I didn't like guns. I preferred knives much more. I know, how old-fashioned of me but I don't know why guns seemed to disturb my consciousness. 

They were loud, and the bullets were fast and a very efficient way to kill but I still didn't like them. After my thousandth tries to shoot the head, I failed and gave Jaxon a pout. Other men around me started giving me looks and chuckling and Jaxon gave them a glare. It's not like that I couldn't hit the target at all but shooting the arm and shoulder isn't a very efficient way to kill. Jaxon looked at my pout and chuckled. 

He then got a set of knives from the back and said, "Try these." That made me quite happy. It took me seconds to hit them all on the bull's eye. The men who were chuckling before halted and I gave them a proud cocky smile.

"How is it that I am good with knives and not with guns. They both just need the right aims." I asked Jaxon genuinely curious. 

"That is because when you shoot-" He placed the gun in my hand his arms circling around me keeping my arms straight for shooting at the aim, "You are stressing too much about where you are shooting." He said putting his hands on my hips. 

"You have to relax, and don't put so much pressure on your abs." He said touching my stomach. He then placed a hand below my chin and fixed it right. "Your chin should be up and your shoulders should be down." He fixed my shoulders too. "Now you only have to think that you are throwing a knife, but without moving your complete body with force."

He placed a soft kiss on my neck and his hands finding their way back to my hips. "Now shoot." 

Straight to the head.

My face broke into a smile and so did his. "See, not that hard. All you have to do is relax." He remarked brushing his hand through my hair.

The day went by fast and I trained till I was completely drained. 


I felt the wind pass by, my eyes closed. 

I felt Jaxon's back muscles on my cheek.

I felt the warmth of his abs below my palms. 

I heard the roaring of his bike. 

Soon enough I was almost drifting off to sleep, but we reached home. He went through the compound and parked the bike in the garage. I didn't see any of it but I felt all. Jaxon took my palms out of his T-shirt and I instantly missed the feeling. He then softly kissed my knuckles.

"Baby, we are home." He said and I smiled against his back. 

We got off the bike and I went straight in for a shower. That was a long day of workouts. I looked in the mirror, a towel hugging my body, my hair drenched after the shower. I had changed so much since the first I came to this city. Who knew, I would turn out to be the woman who was staring back at me through the mirror. I was going to be a Titan tomorrow. Tomorrow is when I prove that I am not the same Mia anymore. I am not weak and quiet anymore.

I wanted to do this because I wanted to prove that to myself.

I wanted to show myself that I was strong.

"Whatcha thinking, baby?" Jaxon came out of nowhere wrapping his arms around and kissing my cheek. 

"Just about tomorrow," I replied.

Jaxon took a deep breath, taking the towel off me leaving me naked, and putting it on my head rubbing it in an attempt to dry my hair. "I don't want you to go." He said with a hint of sadness.

"I know, but I want to," I replied as he was done drying my hair. We looked at each other for a long moment. Our eyes communicating on their own. He then pulled me towards the bed and put one of his shirts on my body. We then stood there in silence neither of us knowing what else to say or day. 

He then lay pulling me close.

"I love you, Jaxon," I said.

"I love you more."

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