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The designers have done a good job.

I took a deep breath. In, and out. The young woman staring back at me does not look like me. I have never dressed up before. Ever. But hell, if it didn't feel good to be spoiled by someone else. I'll be damned. For the first time in my life, I feel...great. Just amazing.

The red flawless dress stood out matching with the red pop lipstick. I was never a fan of lipsticks but this actually looks good. I turned on my heels making my way downstairs. Kiley and Jaxon stood down the stairs having a pretty serious conversation about something, Kiley looking beautiful as always in her sleek black dress and Jaxon looked well- edible. 

His perfect jet back hair is styled back and I swear the resemblance with Ryan Gosling is undebatable but he is only looking hotter with his stormy grey eyes. Both of their eyes clicked to mine when they hear me come down. 

Jaxon smiles at me lovingly, his serious demeanor changing in an instant. Kiley greets me, hugging me, "You looks so beautiful Mia." She smiles. And I mutter a quick thank you with "You always look beautiful Kiley." Her smile widens. 

Jaxon pulls me close to his chest soon after and gives me a long peck on my lips. "You look, gorgeous baby." 

"You don't look so bad yourself," I said giggling slightly. 

"Hola Preciosa!" a boy screamed behind me as he soon hugged Kiley kissing her softly on the cheek. "When are you seriously gonna grow up Joel" Kiley replied kissing him back on his cheek.

He grinned looking like a five-year-old in a pretty boy's manly body. He and Jaxon were of the same age but he sure didn't act like one. His blonde hair was styled back too and his baby blue eyes were more prominent because of the blue suit he wears.

"Mi Amore" he greets me pulling my hand and kissing my knuckles. I grinned back at him but soon after my hand was snatched away from his. "Keep your lips off my girl," Jaxon said his deep voice ringing of dominance. 

"Fine, fine. We all know this beautiful girl is the little sis I never had, right Mia?" He replied with his hands in mock surrender.

"Yes." I nodded agreeing with him.

"Good so you come with your big bro" He replied pulling me to him and wrapping an arm around my shoulder walking out the front door and of course earning a glare from Jaxon.

A limo stood there and before I could enter Jaxon had pulled me back to him. Me and Joel both rolled our eyes and said together, "Possessive much?" Then we all started laughing except for Jaxon who seemed unbothered. 

We entered the limo, Me and Jaxon sitting next to each other and Kiley to my extreme right. Joel sat in front of us and the limo started. Jaxon placed a swift arm around me as I rested my head on his shoulder. He soon started playing with my curls.

He liked having contact with me all the time. And I cannot complain. I love being close to him too. Touching was his love language.

Be still my heart.

"Are you nervous?" He asked sensing my vibe. This guy is just a god I'm telling you.

"Little bit," I replied truthfully.

"Don't be, you will be fine." He said reassuring me. "Just have either me, Kiley, or Joel beside you at all times. There would be dangerous people coming to the gala." He ended. 

"Thanks, Jaxon that totally helped so much" I replied sarcastically. 

"You'll be fine, baby," He said kissing the side of my head. We reached the gala soon after and for all I can say, the Phoenixes didn't hold back from spending all their money. 


The grand gala unfolded in front of my eyes. My arm was wrapped around Jaxon's bicep as I stiffened when we entered. All eyes were on us. And when I saw Jaxon, his demeanor had completely changed. 

Not just him, but even Kiley and Joel seemed to have completely changed. They all looked like they were emotionless robots who only reeked of dominance and demanded respect. This Jaxon wasn't a sweet, caring one. This Jaxon was the dominant, ruthless one. The one who had shot the boy, the one who is the mafia king.

And I would be lying if I said it didn't turn me on. 

The people looking at us, all had different types of looks. I couldn't help but notice that most of them were males, only a few females who seemed to be roaming alone like Kiley. Jaxon was right, in the mafia world, women were considered weak. I was lucky to find someone like Jaxon. If it was someone else from this room, I would have been long dead.

An older man approached us. "Welcome! Titans. It is so good to see you here" Jaxon gave a curt nod to him replying. "No need to be so formal, James, it has been long since I have seen you after all," Jaxon replied.

"Oh, the Phoenix seems to be flourishing after all" Kiley remarked looking around. 

"yes of course, how can it not, being in business with the Titans is a gift after all." The old man nodded. He must be the leader of Phoenix. The one who organized the party. 

"And who is this beautiful woman" His eyes clicked to mine. 

Before anyone could reply, I extended my hand for him to take. "Mia" I introduced, as I could feel Jaxon's gaze on me. I looked at him once and he seemed to be smiling at me proudly. "James," the old man said shaking my hand approvingly, "It's nice to see Jaxon finally here with someone" he smiled. 

And I liked him already. He seemed old and experienced and didn't mind a woman acknowledging him. He sure seemed like a charmer. No wonder Jaxon did business with him.

"Well come on in!" He said inviting us.

Soon after the room filled with small takes as people exchanged what their mafia has been doing the past year and making further ties and business plans with others. Most of the men seemed older. I occasionally talked when someone acknowledged me, but no one dared to disrespect me. They all seemed to be scared of Jaxon's reputation. I could tell.

I could feel a burning gaze on my back the whole time. I did look around multiple times too but saw no one who looked suspicious. It did make me uncomfortable because I felt someone staring at me constantly and it was soon caught by Jaxon. 

"Are you okay?" He looked at me worriedly. 

"I'm fine, just need to use the restroom," I said. It was probably nothing.

"Okay take Kiley with you." He said as he whispered something into Kiley's ear and she nodded. Kiley walked up to me and smiled, "The restroom is this way Mia" she started walking and I followed her. "You seem a bit pale, you okay?" She asked as we made our way.

"Yeah I am fine, I just keep feeling that someone is staring at me," I said.

Kiley chuckled, "yes of course you feel that way Mia, everyone is staring at you. Jaxon has never been seen with a girl before, let alone one so beautiful" She said. 

I nodded, "You are right, it's probably nothing." We entered the restroom as Kiley stood facing me. She folded her arms looking at me, the door behind her. 

I looked in one of the mirrors and put the tap on. Washing my hands. "You know, you look really good in red. You should wear it more often" She said. 

"I do?" I asked not really listening. My mind was a frenzy and my palms sweaty. What's wrong with me?

Then soon after I heard a thud. What the hell? I looked at Kiley and she was on the ground, passed out, and of what looks like a dart stuck to her neck. I was about to crouch down to shake her when suddenly someone came behind me holding a cool metal to my head. 

"Hey sister, missed me?"

And then everything went blank.

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