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Jaxson's POV


What was happening to me? 

Why the hell can't I stop thinking about her. She is literally the only person always on my mind, 24/7. The first-ever a time when I laid my eyes on her I knew that she was special.  The way she walks, talks, the fire in her, her beautiful face, her gorgeous hair, her pitch-black eyes, her white milky skin it was all just perfect. She looked like an angel.


It almost killed me when she flinched away from me the other day. I always knew that the Dawson's are not to be trusted but fuck it made my blood boil knowing that they hurt her. I would want nothing more than to shoot that son of a bitch, Eric. 

Hell, I would shoot anyone who would try and hurt her. I just couldn't live with the fact that she wasn't safe but I had to give her some space. Give her the respect she deserves. This isn't my fight it's hers. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't be there for her. If she tells me to kill them I will. If she tells me to leave her alone, I will because she isn't safe with me either. 

I'm dangerous. That was no news to people. It was only better for her if she stayed away from me but hell I didn't want her to. I wanted her so bad. I needed her. 

I roared my bike and drove faster cruising through the highway. I had dropped her at her house because it was getting dark and she wanted to get home soon. I was reluctant at first, I didn't want to leave her alone at that house where she could potentially be beaten up but she reassured me that everything would be fine. 

The memory of the way her eyes lit up when she saw my bike came back to me- Fuck. I almost took her against the wall right then and there. She didn't even know what she did to me, but if I wanted her I had to take it slow.  

I had been with a lot of girls before. I have lost count now. But I never wanted to date even one of them. A one-night stand that's all they were. The type of girl that Mia's sister was. Bianca. My hand had itched to slap her when she drew blood from Mia's palm. What a complete piece of shit. I wouldn't think twice before shooting someone like her but I couldn't because Mia was there. What the hell is happening to me. All I can do is think about her. 

Even when Joel flirts with her it makes me want to punch the shit out of him. He better stay away from her but I know he only does that to annoy and agitate me. 

I just want to make her mine already. 


Parking the bike in front of the warehouse I walked inside the dark hall. The gates shut behind me. "Boss," A man said as I turned to look at Joel standing there waiting for me.

I took off my jacket, watch, and rings handing it all to him. Finally taking out my phone from my back pocket I threw it towards him as he stepped away putting it all on a bench to the side. I cracked my knuckles and rotated my neck. 

"He comes from the Ravens," Joel stated.

"And why is he here inside our territory?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"He wouldn't say," Joel replied with a grim look on his face. 

I moved forward towards the man tied to the wooden chair placed in the center of the room. His yellow teeth showed as blood oozed down his mouth. He had cuts all over his body because my men had been torturing him for a while. If he had endured this much he could endure more. I had to take a different approach. 

I gave a once over to on his body. My eyes lingered over his pockets when I saw a square-shaped protrusion. Bingo.

I reached out pulling his wallet and opening it. His license fell out. I read his name "John Smith". I stated as he looked at me with bloodshot eyes. Then I dug deeper and found a photo.

"Ah what do we have here" I took out the photo and waved it at his face. 

"Pretty little girl isn't she?" I asked my men who nodded in response. 

"DO NOT TOUCH HER!" The man screamed when I knew I had hit a nerve. I chuckled evilly. 

"Oh, but we will, John. We will if you don't tell us what you were doing within my territory. Because I swear if you don't I will kill your daughter in front of your eyes." With every line, I punched him in the face. He screamed out. 

"Okay! Okay. I will tell you." I stopped punching as he continued, "Trafficking." He said. "Raven's want to take you down so they are trafficking women through your territory. Shipping through here is dangerous and if they get caught it's your mafia that will be exposed." 

What a shitty plan. Our mafia was the biggest in the world. It would take more than a shitty plan to take it down. But too bad for the Raven's. They have to die now. He has to die now. So without thinking twice I started punching him again. 

My act of violence was soon stopped when Joel spoke up. 

"Boss your phone is ringing."

"Take care of it Joel I am busy right now." I bit out as I went to punch him again. But was stopped yet again.

"Boss you would want to take this one." He said being completely serious. I looked at him to decipher what it was then I saw the phone in his hand.


Oh, fuck. 

My mind instantly didn't care about anything else anymore when a thousand possibilities ran through my mind. She never called me, never even texted me. She must be in danger. 

I picked up the phone almost shaking trying my best to keep calm. 

"Mia?" I said as I picked up the phone. Please be okay, please be okay.

"J-Jaxon." She sniffled. Shit, she had been crying. Her voice sounded broken like she was in a lot of pain. "Jaxon- I- need you." She said sobbing on the line. I started breathing heavily. Now is not the time Jaxon. Keep your calm you need to help her. 

"Where are you, baby?" I said in a soft voice. I needed to be strong for her.

"Greenup Avenue park." She said. That's near her house. I heard that and then I started running. I went straight out of the warehouse as the door opened and onto my bike. 

"Stay on-call baby, I will be there within less than five minutes," I said and I put the phone on speaker and put it in my pocket. She whimpered and it almost broke my heart.  

Then I drove faster than I had ever driven before.

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