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The next morning I woke up on an empty bed. Disappointment washed over me but it wasn't the first time. Jaxon would get up, work out, shower, and go off to the school of work when he has to, he is an early riser. I was too until I started living here. 

But then again I used to only wake up early because I had to. 

I hated it, and now that I have the privilege of sleeping in, I take it. 

I made a mental note of asking Jaxon about school today. I needed to get back, I was missing too much. Getting up from the bed I realized it was almost afternoon. Wow, I seriously need to get my routine right.

I spent the rest of my day watching random movies and eating around. The house was empty today which was weird. There is always usually someone or the other in the house. Maybe they were all just busy today.

I decided to go to the gym and maybe even practice dancing a little. I put on some tights and a sports bra, also taking a jacket and the temporary phone that Jaxon gave me. Then I went down the stairs and entered the gym.


After warming up well enough I played the music loud and blasting through the entire room. I was in the mood for some shuffling and hip hop today. Initially, my movements were slow and steady but as the music went on they become faster and swifter. 

The song 'Beggin' played loud and my legs jumped and moved faster. My hair had become a tangled mess in front of my face and my heart was pounding in my chest. 

But I couldn't care less.

Dance like nobody is watching.

Soon the song came to an end and I fell to the ground heaving heavily. Damn it's been a long time since I had danced like that. I had missed the thrill and adrenaline. 

I had missed flying.

And it felt amazing once I did it.

I smiled at the ceiling and the next song started playing but I was sweating like crazy so I decided to end it for the day. I still sat there calming down a bit when the phone buzzed. I stood up and put on the jacket picking up the phone. 

Hey baby, I might come home a bit late today don't wait up -J

I replied with a quick okay and looked outside, it was already getting dark. In turn, my stomach growled indicating I was hungry. I decided to go to the kitchen and grab a quick bite.


I sat on the couch with a bowl of spaghetti in my hand, leftover from yesterday's dinner. Damn, I would never get over how well Jaxon can cook. I could cook too but this was some next-level shit. Heaven to your tastebuds. 

On the TV in front played 'FRIENDS' the TV show and I had only recently started watching it to understand what the hype was all about. I didn't have much time to watch TV before since I was mostly busy cooking and cleaning for my asshole adoptive family.

I grimaced at the thought. I hate them. I hope to never see them again. They can go to hell for all I know. I really should have run away earlier. But I had no place to go.

Although now I have this. This amazing home. And Jaxon. And Kiley and the guys. I was happy.

I had a family. 

Satisfied with a full stomach I looked at the time. It was almost 9. I wasn't really sleepy yet so I decided to take a walk. I quickly went back to Jaxon's room and took a quick shower and changed into more comfortable clothes including shorts and one of Jaxon's oversized shirts. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I cannot help it they are so comfy and smell like him.

Walking down the stairs I walked out the front gate breathing in some fresh air. It's really been weeks since I have been outside the house. It felt good. I looked ahead of me and the compound was really big. There was another gate far past the front door of the house and I realized that the whole house was surrounded by a huge wall. 

I squinted my eyes to see in the dark and I saw a bunch of men in black coats near the front gate. Security guards? Huh. I never saw them before. The house doesn't even have any maids or anything. So I didn't think there was anyone else. 

I shook my head, maybe Jaxon put them there for safety. God knows what goes on in these businessmen's minds. I decided that I would stay inside the compound. Don't want to get kidnapped, note the sarcasm, and plus Jaxon will be mad that I was left alone.

I started walking towards the garage and crossed it deciding that I'll just go round the whole mansion. It's starting to get cold nowadays. 

It was mostly dark around the back of the mansion aside from the dim lights a little away that lit the swimming pool. I kept walking when I heard a sound. It sounded like a scream but it was very faint. What the hell?

I followed to where the sound was coming from and turned to an even darker path. It was still inside the compound but it seemed shady. Against my better judgement, I kept walking but soon halted when I saw at least seven tall silhouettes of men standing in the dark, with one of the men on the ground shaking.

How in the world did they get inside the compound? 

I was about to go call one of the guards when I looked closer.

Jaxon? When did he come back?

I looked at the other men and recognised Joel was one of them, and the others had unknown faces. "Who are you talking about?" Joel asked the man on the ground. 

"I-I don't know his name! All I knew is he was from the Raven's!" The man screamed shaking in fear. Joel looked mad. His pretty feature looked dark now. 

And then suddenly there was a shrill ring in the air.

I couldn't help but scream as my hand flew up to my mouth. The man on the floor now lay limp and Jaxon was the one who shot him. The gun had a silencer but it still made a discrete shrill sound that startled me. 

All eyes shot up to me. And then I did what any sane person would do.

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