Bonus :: The Day of the Sacrifice

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"Everything's going to go fine, don't worry..." Caroline's hug got tighter with every sigh that escaped her lips while they teetered in the Forbes driveway. Things were falling apart right about then: Elena had vampire blood in her system and she was going to come back a vampire, Bonnie seemed to be weak to come through the spell alive, and Kat Gilbert was going to die.

Of course, no one besides Kat herself knew about her impending death but that didn't make her predicament any less worrisome. Caroline hadn't left her side for the past hour, constantly mumbling things like, "You're immortal, you're not going to die, pfft!" and "Don't go into the light okay? I won't be able to bear Elena's ego all by myself"

Kat didn't have the heart to tell her.

If Caroline was this worried, what about the others? Kat didn't want to venture into that vortex of sadness, but she knew she had to face it sometime today. What would happen when Jeremy wakes up in the morning, coming downstairs to not see her sitting at the kitchen counter with a ready smile. Would he cry? Would he turn to drugs again? Will he miss seeing her? What will happen to Jenna or John?

Probably nothing, since Elena will be right with them.

"I'll just go catch some rest, I gotta help Bonnie tonight," Kat sighed against Caroline's shoulder. No matter how tight Caroline's hug was, it was just as desperate from Kat. Kat wanted to remember how the comfort felt one last time, the softness of the one person she grew closer to more than her mother.

Caroline Forbes was her best friend, her sister, her angel and far so much more than just a broken girl.

"Oh I don't want to go," Caroline groaned in a tantrum. She was a vampire, an asset that was supposed to be protected from Klaus, which made Kat urge her out of town. There was no werewolf in town for as long as Kat knew, with Tyler being gone long ago.

"I don't want to go either," Kat mumbled. Caroline thought she wasn't making sense, but she was. Kat didn't want to go, she didn't want to leave everyone behind. The idea of being a hero sounded far more lonely than it did an hour ago when she saw Stefan leave with Elena.

It wasn't that she didn't want to save her friends, it's just that she had no choice but to leave them to fend for themselves after her death.

What if they got into another deadly situation right and she was too busy being dead to help them?

"Well, you could always..." Caroline dragged her suggestion with a smirk. The small smile that twinkled on Caroline's face pricked tears at Kat's eyes, "I don't know, bolt to some beach with your boy toy! Honestly it's his fault Elena's going to be a vampire."

"He's not my boy toy. Bye Care." Kat stated, pushing Caroline into her car.

"Remember to—"

"Not be on the phone when I'm driving and to call you when I get there?" Caroline finished her best friend's concerned instructions, "Yes mom. You're the one who has to be careful. Maybe make sure Damon doesn't do something stupid to get you killed." The last part was mumbled as she squeezed into her car.

Kat suppressed a smile at the irony, waving the blonde vampire off as she drove off.

Caroline had never shown any compassion towards Damon, even before he and Kat started sleeping together. Half of her friends had the same amount of respect towards him, which was none. They considered Damon Salvatore a homicidal killing machine with no compassion for humans like them.

The first part was true, Damon had killed ruthlessly in his past, even a while in the first few days of coming to Mystic Falls. He felt anger as bloodlust, sadness as torture. And love...

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