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[Episode 11 - Bloodlines - 2]

We enter BREE'S BAR off the highway and Damon compels me in because I'm underage. The people inside better not question my presence because if they do, they're gonna have an angry bitch in their way. I need a drink and one day without a headache. The bar is pretty empty and I see that it's only 11 in the morning.

Just as my gaze moves from my mobile screen, I see a woman, somewhere double the age of Damon's, look with wide eyes at the vampire. She jumps over the bar counter "No. No, it can't be. Damon. My honey pie!" She jumps towards him and holds him in a very harsh liplock and I stand there, whistling at the sudden PDA.

I raise my brows in amusement when Bree pulls away, only to be pulled tight against Damon. "Nice to meet you too honey pie" I wave with a very sweet smile. The couple finally breaks from their kiss and both of them look to me in annoyance.

"Alcohol or answers, Damon. I didn't come here all the way to Georgia to watch you make out with girls" Bree smirks, not at all offended by my words and jumps up on the counter "Listen up everybody! Here's to the man that broke my heart, crushed my soul, destroyed my life, and ruined any and all chances of happiness!" she gets down and pours shots, "Drink up!".

Damon waits for me to drink and I roll my eyes, gulping down my shot along with Bree. "So," she pours herself another shot and I snatch away Damon's alcohol before it reaches his mouth. He frowns playfully but the woman pours him another one "-how'd he rope you in?"

I chuckle and shake my head "I'm not roped, he's just staked". The already oblivious bar-owner ignores the second part of my words " Honey, if you're not roped, you're whipped. Either way, just enjoy the ride..." Damon wiggles his brows and I snatch his shot away again. This time Damon protests but I turn my back to him and down the shot.

Damon holds my wrists in a surprisingly gentle but firm grip, and mutters "You steal my shot one more time, I'm gonna lose it"

I smirk "Doesn't everyone know it..."

This is gonna be either a short day or a very long one.

"How did you two meet?"


I look at Damon with disbelieving eyes as he pouts "I've been on a college campus, yes-" Bree continues, putting down some burgers in front of me.

"About twenty years ago, when I was a sweet, young freshman, I met this beautiful man, and I fell in love. And then he told me about his little secret, made me love him more" her voice drops to a happy whisper "...Because, you see, I had a little secret of my own that I was dying to share with somebody..."

"She's a witch" I whistle. This day keeps getting more and more interesting.

"Changed my world, you know-"

"I rocked your world" Damon corrects with a smug smile. "He must have been good in the sack huh?" I ask and Bree nods a bit too enthusiastically "But mostly he's just a Walk-Away Joe. So, what is it that you want Damon?"

I go out to make some calls while Damon begs Bree for another way. First calls first.

My aunt picks up on the first ring "Where are you? Why didn't you call?" she bombards.

"Hey Jennie, I'm fine. Just helping Damon with something-"


"Damon Salvatore. Stefan's brother. I'm in Georgia, I'll be back by tomorrow. I promise-"

"What! Damon - Georgia - Kat! W-what!"

"It's alright. He's just searching for a... family member. An old friend. And I said I'll help." I don't like lying but I leave out the car wreck part. I don't know how I'm going to explain it to her. It's not like I can say "A vampire stood in my way, making me wreck my car"

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