✔ | 19 - 𝑴𝒆, 𝑳𝒆𝒙𝒊, 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝑰𝒕

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𝐌𝐞, 𝐋𝐞𝐱𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐈𝐭 

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𝐌𝐞, 𝐋𝐞𝐱𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐈𝐭 

- - -
You're my sunshine and I want you to know
That my feelings are true

You're My Best Friend
- - -

Your first thought tells you what you are. Your second thought tells you what you want to be. 

Stefan Salvatore was a kind-hearted man. Though the darkness in his soul plagues him every second of his life, he'd had fortunate luck in friendships. Wanting Elena made him love his day, but Lexi and Vivi, they somehow made him look forward meeting the day. That's all he would owe his sanity to these days.

"No no no! Really? Oh my God"

...Maybe not always.

Kat could not stop laughing, falling all over Stefan's back beside Lexi.

Alexia fricking Branson meant it when she said she wanted to start fresh with Kat. It had been two hours since they had taken permanent setting on Stefan's bed with him, rolling over and stomping on it in goth outfits as Lexi narrated every embarrassing detail of his life with painstaking clarity.

Vampire memory sucks.

"Yes! And he was butt naked - dancing in the fountain when all the water goes out"

Both of the women cackle, thumping Stefan with each forced breath inside.

"Oh God, I can't— Stop! Lex, stop" Kat tries burying her face in the popcorn basket, the popcorn all over the poor boy's bed and lap. Stefan sits up with a huff, pushing both of them off him.

"Stop laughing. Both! of! you!" he smacks a pillow at Kat who straightens up, trying to stop huffing out cackles. She tries burying her laughs under a mask of silence but bursts out after failing. Lexi chortles at the sound which sets the Gilbert off like a second chain of bombs. She shakes her head, tears flowing out of squinting eyes as she falls flat onto Stefan's legs. He groans, letting himself be pushed down to ground by a laughing Kat.

It's then he notices the twinkle in her eyes when she's so jolly. He knew it existed there in her almost clear jade eyes, but those eyes always hid their smile behind glasses, or peek out when she buried her face in his shoulder to hide it.

He stops, rearing his mind back.

This is Vivi he's talking about. She took him under his wing when he was the lonely guy. He would trust her with secrets he hadn't with others. He didn't mean to have... feelings for her. Besides, he had already ruined her life enough.

Not even allowing him to his jarring thoughts, the girl groans, "Oh no Broody has his History look on, Lexi quick!" she snatches her phone from the vampire and clicks a picture at supernatural speed. She chuckles at her speed, making a face at her screen while showing it to him, "Happy birthday Mr. Grumps"

Aaaand she was back to herself.

"Glad to know the troublemaker's here," someone snarks out from the door.

Lexi falls back onto the soft covers, her eye roll almost audible in her tone, "Go away Damon"

Damon stands at the threshold of the old room, his usual dark pull up and black trousers. His snark is surprisingly not there but he makes up to the absence with a smug look that screams trouble.

"Oh I will," he shrugs, "I just wanted to invite you lovely ladies to Caroline's party..."

"Stay away from Caroline." Stefan narrows his eyes in warning

Kat is busy trying to defer his meeting with Caroline but when she looks down at her phone, there was a message sitting there in her pile.

Party @ grill - 7 tnt
Dress good muah

The declaration sends a pang through her chest. It had been a long time since she ever planned a party with Care. And still the blonde is the one throwing tonight's party instead herself, the one Stefan trusted to do things his way.

"She's planning a party..." Kat muses dejectedly.

"See? You should go—"

"—Without me..." Kat breaks in. Her face is still fallen, causing the whole room to go silent in awkwardness. Here she is, making new friends and learning new stuff about Stefan while Caroline Forbes is planning a party without her.

"Well, all of Stefan's friends will be there!" Damon pastes a wide smile to break the ice.

"Bullshit Damon" Lexi purses her lips.

"I know Stefan's friends... Me..." Kat holds up one finger, "Lexi..." another finger and her third finger but pauses with a mocking frown, "Wait... That's it."

Lexi rolls her eyes and Kat throws a shrug to the younger Salvatore, trying to bury her bad mood under a giggle.

Damon glares at the pair, "Anyhow, the town needs to see us about like normal folk. We need to blend..." He saunters off before any of them could make an offensive comment.

"Let's go," Lexi bounces up from the bed, pulling on Stefan's arm.

He groans "Are you kidding? I'm not going to that!"

"Why not!" Lexi's pulls become even insistent, and she tries to rope in Kat for the task too. Even though they all supernatural powers in the trio, it is evident that Lexi did not want to force Stefan into anything, just give a nudge.

"Because there's going to be people." Stefan grits out.

"Come on!" Lexi pouts, "One day. I get one day when you're not existing in your own brooding head. One day" she emphasizes with a pointy finger digging into his chest.

"But it's a party Damon wants us to go to"

"As much as I hate to say this Lexi..." Kat speaks up, "Our Grumpus has a valid point."

Stefan smiles triumphantly and waves to her and turns back to a glaring Lexi. "Really"

She pulls forward both him and Kat with a pop nod "Yeah"

☆゚. ── 𝐈𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐫

Okay I admit that this chapter is short, but even after I edited it I couldn't fathom to delete it or club it into another chapter because of all the hearty comments and votes that I would lose in the process.

So, take care peeps! 

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