ᴛᴡᴏ - 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑯𝒂𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒔, 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑽𝒊𝒃𝒆𝒔

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A/N: Hey! Just trying third person writing to widen the scope! Do tell me if you like it...

 Kat sees Elena standing over her bed.

"Elena?" she asks, confused. She smirks in a way the younger twin never would "Game on". Out of nowhere, she chokes Kat with a pillow, the defenceless girl's hands struggling to get the dark suffocation off her. She struggles and she struggles, but feels every breath leave her body, all signs of life draining out.

Kat wakes up with a gasp. Skin wiggles under her and she sighs, brought back to the Salvatore bedroom after the nightmare.

"Bad dream? Is that supposed to be a sign?" Damon jokes. She hits him lightly as she falls onto his back. Morning light looks young and warm. "Shut up" she murmurs against his neck, trying to catch some sleep after a night-long mistake. The world won't be kind to her after it learns of the past night's acts.

In a flash, Damon flips her off and he's hovering above the girl, a challenge in his ice-blue eyes "Make me". She chuckles and brings her bare knees upto his waist and pulls him down. "You know, this is pretty absurd..." 

A small frown-smile plays on the older Salvatore vampire as he tries to start the sensitive topic gently.

Kat smirks against his chest "Never thought you'd be a thoughtful one Smoldy". 

She didn't know what took over her last night. She needed to stop feeling feelings for a certain younger Salvatore, so she slept with the elder one. Damon too, needed to stop feeling feelings for a certain younger Gilbert twin, so he slept with the elder one.

"So... What now?" he asks as she evaluates the maze that is her brain. What were they thinking...?

The alarm rings somewhere on the nightstand and Damon hops out of the plush bed to snooze or fortunately break the damn thing. He's been a cluster of confusions ever since he came back to Mystic Falls and one of his rocks, believe it or not, was Katherine Gilbert - the oldest Gilbert, the Guardian who ignores every inch of her supernatural vampire-killing instincts to support him. 

He didn't want that to go away just because of one night of fiery physical passion.

"Well," Kat turns onto her side, facing a naked Damon with a tentative smile. She tries to grope for words and chuckles humorlessly, realising that she no longer had the sense to let the Salvatore into the pit of her thoughts.

"Was this a one-night stand?" Damon blurts out. The doppelganger shrugs and looks everywhere but his eyes "Do you want it to be?" she smirks, challenge shining clear in her eyes. 

He hops onto her back, nestling into her neck, nipping at it. She cranes her neck to watch him with a raised eyebrow and a smirking pout. She catches on, smug realisation taking the place of confusion.

Kat pushes him off and gets up, not bothering to hide herself as she stalks away, stepping on the strewn clothes and broken buttons on the floor.

"Where do you think you're going Gilbert?" Damon asks. Kat turns around with a wink "Shower. Wanna come Salvatore?"

Yep, the world wasn't going to be kind to her when it learns about her latest bad habit. But as they say, bad habits, good vibes.

A/N: Filler chapter. Dun dun dun! So, Damon and Kat huh? They both need to get over their 'you-know-who's. Do you think Divi (one of the worse ship names I've come up with) might get a rise out of the Star-couple?? Keep reading to find out!  

 Do you think Divi (one of the worse ship names I've come up with) might get a rise out of the Star-couple?? Keep reading to find out!  

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