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𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬

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𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬

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So, before you go
Was there something I could've said
To make your heart beat better?

Before You Go
~ Lewis Capaldi
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When you offered the banner of 'best friend' to a person you find close, it essentially meant that you had license to all the moments in their lives - the best, the worst and the ugly.

But high school friendships of Mystic Falls held a completely different idea. Caroline hadn't stopped grouching about Bonnie stealing 'her' necklace - the amber colored witchy pendant that Damon had 'borrowed' stealthily from the dance. Though Bonnie had been giving everyone radio silence, Kat understood she had reason for it. Moreover, she was willing to be more than supportive since it would piss off Damon.

Kat could think about another person who had been giving her radio silence. Stefan.

Stefan I-wanna-murder-my-brother Salvatore. It had been a week since Lexi - the person who had known Stefan the longest - had died at the hands of Damon. And that meant it had been a week since the last time Kat saw or spoke to Stefan.

He wouldn't answer any texts or calls, shutting out both Elena and her. Kat couldn't forget the look in his crumbling eyes when he buried Lexi. It wasn't often that Kat saw that look on Stefan but once was enough to make her wish nothing bad happened to him ever again.

Kat had tried everything she could - visited the boarding house, called him, texted him, left him voicemails begging him to just tell her what she could do. The bottom line was, that Stefan had managed to avoid existing for all this time. Maybe he was scared, Kat thought, maybe he was scared to find hope that Lexi dying was all just a hoax - a grand elaborate plan for Damon to toy with his emotions like ages ago.

But as much as Kat wished that too, Lexi was no more. Kat knew because she would visit the lump of earth over her coffin everyday. It kept her grounded to reality, that Stefan was the one who needed her and not her moaning sister who pulled back every time things got rough.

"I understand you need space, just tell me how much to give you." Kat sighed into her phone, wondering how else she could fit all her concerns into a 2-minute voicemail. "If you want to talk, we could talk. If you just want to go away..." her breath caught in her throat, "Well, if you want to go away, I would understand. I mean it won't be.... Please let me be there for you Stefan."

She ended the horrible voicemail with a beep, coming back to the world bustling around her.

The morning sun was barely over the horizon while the people were up and at it. The lawn of Mystic Falls High was pressed down by the rushing steps of other high schoolers. Caroline and Elena were walking a few feet away, Elena scratching her head as she patiently listened to the blonde talk her ear off about her latest fight with Bonnie.

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