ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ - 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔

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[Episode 24 - Brave New World]

Kat rubs her eyes once more as she evaluates the number of volunteer conductors for the rides and the game booths. Elena and Bonnie stomp around, moving the heaps of cones and teddy bears and what-nots from one place to another as the older Gilbert stands bossing them around.

"Katherine looked just like you, it was freakish. Don't you think that the name is so freaky?" Bonnie murmurs as Elena nervously looks about, expecting Evil Twin 2.0 to jump out. 

Kat shrugs, paying more attention to the list in her hands. "She is my ancestor. Hey, I told you to move the student booth into the cafeteria?" she catches a passing Matt by the shoulder. He smiles and nods. She sighs in satisfaction and turns to her witch friend and sister.

"Your vampire ancestor" Bonnie stresses in a whisper "-and she didn't just resemble you like a family member would. She was you. At least she and Elena can be told apart..."

Kat hugs her, she was tired of hearing the tale of the mirror girl and she needed to do something normal. Elena speaks up "We don't know, We can't explain it..." 

The other Gilbert nods "It's creepy, that's all we got"

"How do you know she's not still out there pretending to be you?" Bonnie frustratedly points to nowhere in particular and Elena shakes her head honestly "I don't"

"Look" Kat turns to them, dying to get some work done "We could sit here and be tortured by the not-knowing or... You could get these prizes to the ring toss" she drops the bag of said prizes into Elena's hands. 

Elena staggers under the weight but Bonnie rolls her eyes and shares the sagging bag. "Et voila! Chop chop" Kat smirks bossily and all but pushes them off towards the ring toss booth.

The next thing on the list shows 'GFT' aka the Gold Fish Toss aka the responsibility of her little brother who had a big scare of almost being killed by Damon Salvatore. Tyler stalks by, with a table under his hold along with two other boys. He asks one of them to manage his side as he takes a break, talking to Kat.

"So, have any work for me? Other than moving tables" the Lockwood asks. She smirks "Could you get me a chocobar, or five?" she asks, not completely joking. Tyler nudges her with a mock glare "Other than being your personal slave"

She laughs "Just check the carousel settings please, wonder what Tiki's doing there" her face scrunches up in disgust and so does Tyler's. "Okay, on it, Captain..." he starts to walk off but she pulls him back by his shirt, she has to tell someone "We have to make Caroline proud or she-"

"-will kill us. Got it." he jokes. "I don't know how you guys do all of this" he says, walking away. Kat smirks "She's obviously not human"

"Dunno about her, but you're definitely not an angel" he shouts out only to have a duckling chew-toy thrown at the back of his head "Ow!"

"Get to work Lockwood" she orders. She takes out her phone and types out a message to Caroline: Everything's going well. Maybe we can sneak you out tonight, jk ;-)

She goes into the hallway, looking for her brother, only to find him talking with the very Salvatore she wanted to avoid for the day if possible. "-little distraction courtesy of the slave driver Viv-

"Not very kind to say about your girlfriend's sister Stefan" she stresses out the girlfriend's sister part. Maybe if she keeps saying that, she'll soar out of the web of wool she has been stuck in for the past few weeks.

"Hey Viv" Stefan smiles and hugs her. Ignoring her instinct to run away, she plasters a smile as she returns the hug and turns to her brother "Did yo-"

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