ᴛᴡᴇʟᴠᴇ - 𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑩𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒌

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[Episode 30 - Rose - 2]

"What is that?" they look around, Kat suppresses her smirk.

"I don't know" Rose shakes her head in honesty.

"Who else is in this house?"

"I don't know"

Before the girls can react, the vampire grabs the sisters, taking them out of the room to the entrance. He pushes them roughly into Pixie's surprised arms

"Rose" he warns, concentrating around his surroundings.

"I don't know who it is"

"Up here" Stefan shouts from above, making Elijah vamp up the stairs in anticipation.

"Down here" Damon taunts from beside the girls, shooting a stake into the Original's hand.

Stefan pins Kat to the far wall, out of the big vampire's sight. His fingers press onto her chapped lips in a motion to be silent.

"Excuse me..." They all hear Elijah's voice from downstairs, along with the sound of wood chipping "To whom it may concern, you're making a grave mistake if you think that you can beat me.... You can't. Do you hear that?"

Kat slides the vervain grenades from the younger Salvatore hands, widening her eyes in warning when he tries to snatch them back. Wood continues chipping downstairs, each chip more violent.

The Guardian pushes him off with her chest, hiding the weapons behind her bloody dress. She takes a step but Stefan pulls her back slightly, hesitating only for a second before he plants a kiss on her forehead.

"I repeat, you cannot beat me. So I want the girls, I'm gonna count to three or heads will roll. Do we understand each other?"

Kat goes to the centre of the joining staircase,making sure Elijah can see her "I'll come with you. Don't hurt them"

He vamps up the stairs once again, this time stopping several steps in front of the Guardian. He tightens his fist around the makeshift stake "What game are you playing with me?"

She frowns sincerely, before her face morphs into a smirk "Kaboom" She throws the vervain bomb in his face. It explodes into small harmful puff of itchy drops, making the man groan as his skin burns but he heals immediately.

He steps up toward Kat but she removes the other bomb from behind her, getting a closer shot this time. Stefan arrives and shoots him with a stake-gun.

Imagine their shock when the wood seems to not even elicit a groan out of the old vampire. Stefan throws the weapon and rushes at Elijah and tackles him, tumbling down the stairs.

Elijah gets up immediately but Stefan stays on the floor. He goes toward Stefan but a whoosh sounds by and the next moment, Elijah Mikaelson groans, turning grey.

The Salvatore pushes him against the door with an angry grunt.

Pixie eyes the scene with a scared uncertain eye and vamps off "Just let her go" Elena allows from the other staircase. She comes to stand beside her twin when they see the Salvatore brothers take a relieved breath upon having them safe and sound.

Stefan smiles at Kat, an honest twinkle in his eye. The Guardian takes a step forward down the staircase, only to be bypassed by her sister.

Elena runs down and runs into Stefan's ready arms. He hugs her close, kissing her hair with love.

Kat slowly takes one step with every 3 beats of her heart. Stefan, still holding Elena close, mouths to her 'you okay?'.

Mustering up a smile, she raises a shoulder 'yes'.

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