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𝐓𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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𝐓𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞

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I'm a man of three fears
Integrity, faith and Crocodile tears
Trust me, darling, trust me, darling

Bad Liar
~ Imagine Dragons
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Night was growing old as they went back to the Mystic Grill, like a bunch of jackals following their lion into a den for more meat. Suddenly, there was a cloud of darkness looming over Damon. A seriousness that he hadn't shown before, a threat of carrying through with all the misery he had promised his brother.

Stefan and Kat settled back down into the booth, opposite to Damon. He had dropped a bomb on them, taking their silence as stupefaction to drink his bourbon more smugly. Kat couldn't speak, possibilities racing through her mind like a scared mare in a jungle.

Bring her back?

There were only three options that could add sense to what he had said.

A. Damon had lost his mind

B. Damon found Kat and Caroline's old carboard truck and thought it was the time machine


Kat didn't even want to think of option C. It was too preposterous, and it set her mind on fire.

The elder Salvatore purposely let the booth marinate in tense silence, much to Kat's frustration.

"Alright, I'll bite." she finally gritted out, "How are you going to bring your lover back?"

There it was. The smugness Damon had been sealing till then broke free as a smirk. His face was bare without it, but Kat couldn't help but want to slap it right off. She didn't have to play the good cop, not when Damon would use it against her. She had the power to make Damon scream like he was in a Victorian torture chamber, but Stefan's hand had been a warning resting on her wrist from the moment Damon had revealed a semblance of an agenda.

Damon gave in, leaning beyond his glass of bourbon to meet his gaze with theirs . "Before Katherine and the others were killed in the church, you remember what it was like in this town?"

"Bet my hat the answer doesn't start with happy and end with and feminist."

"Something like that. Townspeople were killing vampires one by one. When they came for Katherine, I went straight to Emily. I begged her, I'll do anything. Name your price. Just protect her." There was a new solemn glint in Damon's pale eyes, "...She did"

✔ | Allure, S. Salvatore Where stories live. Discover now