ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ - 𝑰'𝒎 𝑺𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈

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The Sacrifice did happen. And Elena did die.

But Kat came back, only to sacrifice herself for the ones she was destined to protect. She had linked her life to Niklaus Mikaelson. And once she came back from the dead, she killed herself, eliminating the great evil hybrid too.

Before everything had happened, Kat had also linked her soul to Elena's. She wouldn't come back as a vampire but as herself. And just as this was happening, Kat had a smile on her face.

Katherine Violet Gilbert, a Guardian, a sister and a very good friend, had given her life to protect those of her family and town.


At her funeral:

Stefan's POV

Jenna cries into Alaric's shoulder and John leans against the farthest tree from the grave. Maybe he doesn't want to believe she died. I don't.

Elena cries into my shoulder and Damon's palm gently rubs soothing circles on her back as he swallows his anger. Caroline and Bonnie cry into each other. Matt and Tyler sit somewhere in the forest with bottles of her favourite soda.

In the morning, something crinkled in my shirt pocket. It was a letter from her. A goodbye letter.

Dear Broody,

I'm dying.

I know you might think this is a cheap trick to take your attention off Elena for a second. But it's not. I'm really dying. 

I did something stupid - I thought I could save everyone, or at least anyone. So let me tell you something for the next time you go running to be a martyr for your girlfriend's sake - THEY HAVE TO SAVE THEMSELVES. And please, try to come out of it alive. God I'm so stupid. I bet if you were here, you'd drag me out somewhere deep into the forest to scold me about how reckless I've been. 

But then I saw Elena holding your hand while you both walk out. And I felt it. How I've been holding onto the truth all this while just because of Elena. Now, I'd hate to make my last letter to you all about her, but I want this out - Stefan Salvatore, I LOVE YOU. But it's because of that that I've always given you up.

I know you'll want to go back to her, and believe me, you Salvatores are whipped when it comes to Petrovas. But just know this, that Elena doesn't really deserve you like you deserve love. 

Go. Get out of here, far from connections. Fly away for yourself.

But if you ever want someone to talk to... just look beside you and start. I'll try to your Guardian. And I hope I'm better at that than being an actual Guardian.

So here it is, my last letter to you. Your Vivi's final goodbye to you. I'm planning to keep this in my favourite shirt of yours. And whenever you think you wanna let go, or you wanna hurt for what's in the past - remember, this shirt, is me. This is your friend scolding you for even thinking you won't have any purpose.

So now go ahead and put on something nice for my funeral. In case you wanna know, I'm smiling as I write this.

As if mocking her straight-out lie, a streak of disturbed ink runs down the rest of the page.

I sigh, waiting for everyone to leave.

It takes all evening for them to. Family, friends, the town. Damon makes Elena leave with him, and for once I see something right blossoming there.

And just as the first ray of darkness enters the cemetery, I clutch the pocket in which I found her letter in. Gathering the courage I wish I had all the while when she was there, I kneel in front of freshly dug ground.

I take a breath.

I haven't seen anything but her soul. I haven't done anything but think of her. I haven't said anything.

Except now.

"I love you" I whisper to the earth "I love you I love you I love you I love you" I sob. Why didn't I tell her? 

That night, when I tear my heart out and walk away, I see a silhouette leaning against a tree.

"I'm sorry Stefan..." I hear Elijah's barely-audible whisper. I shake my head, scoffing "She's gone, she isn't yours or mine Elijah. She's gone" I walk away.

In my house, I hear Elena sniffling. And for once, I do the right thing - I let Elena go.

Leaving her and my brother a letter, I go to my room to find the last person I expected to find.


The vampire wipes at her tears and takes hold of her two bags "I - ehm, I was just le-leaving, bye Stefan"

I hold her back as she tries to rush out. Quietly looking at her, and then to my table, I snatch Vivi's watch and drag Katherine out the window 

"Take me with you

"Take me with you" 

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