ꜰᴏʀᴛʏ ꜰᴏᴜʀ - 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝑰𝒕

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[Episode 21 - Isobel - 2]

The next day, I walk around the floats, satisfied with the way they've turned out. The boys are working surprisingly well but I don't see Elena anywhere.

I smile and hand her the clipboard and voila, I see my sister and Jeremy walking together. I run towards them as Jeremy questions Elena "Are you lying to me right now?"

"W-Why do you say that?" she fumbles and looks to me "He knows, Elena..."

"'Cause that's what you do. Lying. You lie about everything. I know what Anna is and I know that you know. So tell me, do you have any idea where she is?" Jeremy asks worriedly.

"She isn't around?" I ask, I put her on one of the float jobs to get to know her more, but she's been absent for that. I thought she was avoiding me. But now, something feels wrong.

He doesn't speak but rushes off, dialing on his phone. "Jer...Jeremy wait! Jeremy!" she shouts after him, to be ignored. She turns to me, angry "How did he know?" 

"He found your diary, and I gave him mine"

"Why would you do that? Putting him in danger!"

"Because not knowing put him in more danger Elena!" I explain. She huffs and turns behind and I follow her, but not for even one second because just in front of us now, stands our dearest vamp-mother.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, involuntarily stepping in front of my twin. Yeah, yeah, I might hate my sister, but I don't think Stefan will be happy to leave his darling unprotected.

"I'm your mother, girls. I want to be more involved in your life"

"I don't want you in my life" Elena grits out out from behind me and I smile sarcastically "Who would?"

"I understand that. You already have a lot of people that you care about but I've been studying. Let's see if I got this right..." she raises her head smugly as she points to various people across the field.

"There is the witchy best friend, Bonnie. Gonna stay away from that one-"

"Damn right" I grit out, taking a step towards her. She just pushes me back with a finger and then points to the far end near the trees "Oh...sad little brother Jeremy"

"And there's Caroline...obnoxious Caroline. I got all of my info from her by the way. She had no idea who I was and she wouldn't stop yapping...! Oh..." She points to Matt "And there's Matt, friend-" she looks at me "-ex" she looks at Elena " and yappy's future ex. Lots of connections there..."

"Matt is not involved in this" Elena defends.

"He's involved with you, isn't he?"

"Look, you shouldn't be here. You need to leave" I warn, hands ready to rip her head off.

"No, I have some friends here too. Look, you see that man over there?" she points far off "Standing next to Matt by the Float?" I see a guy who waves to me and smiles sweetly "His name is Frank, he's very handsome and he's also quite handy and he'd noticed that the axles are a little rusty which is very dangerous. So, all you have to do is apply a little bit of pressure and..."

"No!" I shout as I watch what happens next. Frank jumps on the trailer above Matt. A loud crack is heard and Matt grunts down and shouts in pain as his arm gets crushed. Elena tries to run for him, Isobel grabs her. I, on the other hand don't wait for her hand as I rush towards the trailer.

"Get this trailer! Come on guys help me!" Tyler shouts to the people around and a few try to get it off the fallen's jock's arm. I push with all my might and I notice, so does Stefan at the exact moment. Our combined strength, along with that of the rest of the boys', helps Matt get free.

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