ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ ꜰɪᴠᴇ - 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒐𝒎𝒃

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[Episode 14 - Fool me Once]

I wake up to my sister shaking me awake. Everything rushes in at once. The grave, Damon, Stefan, the guilt and... 

"Oh m-" Elena cups my mouth with her palm and puts a finger on her lip. She points cautiously towards her left and I see Ben. 

Ben was supposed to be Bonnie's date yesterday night. He graduated a while ago. Why is he with us in this room? Is he kidnapped too? Unlikely, looking how free and peacefully he was resting.

I get up with my sister and we slowly make way towards the door of what appears to be a motel room. I'm inches away from the doorknob when a voice speaks out from behind me "I wouldn't..." He smirks, almost chest to chest with my shaking twin. 

He looks into her eyes and I see his pupils dilate "Don't try to escape. Don't even move. Do you understand?" Elena nods robotronically "I understand" He looks to me and nods, as if the same compulsion would work on me. 

Mistake made, newbie.

I too follow suite and nod "I understand". He smiles smugly to himself and turns. As soon as he does, Elena rushes to open the door and escape. But we're dragged by the hair by a girl no younger than Jeremy. "Seriously?! Ben!" She kicks the door shut while tightening her grip on us. I twist her arm and release myself out of her hold but she still has Elena.

"I told them not to move! I did that eye thing that you taught me!" Ben shouts naively.

"And forgot the lesson about vervain!" she rolls her eyes "They date vampires, Ben. Duh!" 

I frown, I do not date any vampire. I ignore the jab and point out smugly "Oh and tip for later Ben, you can only compel one person at a time". The girl scoffs and pulls me tighter against her side and I kick her in the shins.

She pushes us up against a wall and nudges the bathroom door open. Inside, is a witch I hoped would have been safe and at home. Certainly not knocked out in a bathtub of a motel. 

"Bonnie!" Elena and I rush to the unconscious girl and I search for a clean cloth. Wetting one, I try to revive Bonnie. She comes around, only to be hugged tightly.

"My head... Oh my god Ben's-" I shush her gently and look to my sister. Nodding, she rushes to the tap and opens it. 

Bonnie doesn't understand but she whispers "What's going on? Why are we here?" 

It is then that the bulb goes off in that stupid brain of mine. What would any vampire want with a witch and the family associated with 2 vampires? 

"They want to let the vampires out of the tomb" I realise.


Just then, the door bursts open and Ben comes in, looking at the tap and then at us. Elena rushes in front of Bonnie and I come in front of them both. Ben turns the tap off and looks to me and over my shoulder. 

"You're wasting your time," Bonnie states her stand defiantly "I'm not gonna help you" I smirk but so does Ben. 

He holds me and Elena tightly and yanks me away from them towards the door "That's why they're here. Motivation for you to behave. You know, you shouldn't be so desperate. You made it too easy."

"Imbeciles have a certain glow Ben" I grit out. Ben glares at me and pushes me through the open door "Shut up. She wants to talk to you"

In the middle of the room, the girl stands smirking, "Well well. Kat and Elena Gilbert. You and your sister really are Katherine's doppelgangers. You must have the Salvatore boys reeling..." 

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