ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ - 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑴𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔

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[Episode 37 - The House Guest]

"Good morning Asshole" Kat Gilbert snarks, barging into the Salvatore Boarding House at 8 in the morning.

"Where were you yesterday? Alaric didn't pick up my calls"

"I was around... Thinking and hating" she snatches the glass of bourbon from his hands and gulps it down "Ah, thanks"

"Don't you have school?"

"That's precisely why I needed that drink. I'm here to chaffeur Stefan to Hell, now shush" she holds her temples with a shake of her head.  Damon vamps in front of her and pins her roughly to the wooden pillar "Stop messing around Katherine!"

"What are you talking about Da-mon" her voice drops a few bases as the older Salvatore tightens his choke-hold on her neck. The Guardian frowns, playing along to her plan.

She catches his hands in a criss-cross, and flips him off easily, reversing their positions and glaring at him with her signature yellow-over-jade eyes. She just growls, taking in sweet sweet payback for the night before "Wanna try that again?"

He takes in short breaths, growing shorter by the second, and hurriedly taps the Guardian's hands.

"Hm-aa, thank you" he snarks in the first long breath.

"And why did you call me Katherine? You haven't called me that in too long" she questions for the sake of charade.

"I, um, it's complicated" he says and punctuates by vamping upstairs to Stefan's bedroom where the younger Salvatore vampire facing a somewhat similar issue.

"What are you doing?! Stef-" a Petrova (don't ask which one, because the distinction got complicated) struggles against the wooden pillar in Stefan's room.

"How could you do this?!" he snarls, nearly spitting in shock and anger. Damon and Kat pull him off the girl, who catches her breath with a lungful of air. "Stefan, you were hurting me!" she groans out, brows furrowed and eyes disappointed at her boyfriend.

Just when the two supernaturals release their hold on him, Stefan jumps up "Stop it, Katherine!" he pins her again to the pillar, this time the Petrova retaliates but weakly.

"Stop what?" they all hear a smug Kat throatily smirk at the threshold, the other Kat. 

Kat Gilbert buries her smirk as she looks at Rina with the required cluelessness. The Pierce vampire rolls her eyes and pushes her right foot from the staircase at the door and struts into the pin-drop silent room. She leans against the wall and raises a perfectly plucked eyebrow at the younger Gilbert twin "It's getting really easy being you"

Soon, all of them willingly populate the airy room. Stefan sits beside Elena, rubbing soothing circles on her right wrist. Damon and Kat stand against the big drawers on the other side of the room, avoiding the lovey-dovey couple. Katherine is the only one comfortable - stretching on the far-end couch, boots and scarf and all.

"What is she doing here?" Kat narrows her eyes, looking at the older vampire with veiled smugness at their conceived plan.

"When we killed Elijah, it broke the compulsion and freed the bitch from the tomb" Damon snarks. Clearly he wasn't feeling nostalgic, or logical it seems. If a vampire dies, their compulsion doesn't. Daggering is like death for an Original so why would Katherine's compulsion wear off?

Here in Mystic Falls, rumours sell like hotcakes.

"How's that possible?" Stefan groans, visibly disgusted at the sight of the manipulative woman.

"He's an Original. They have all sorts of special skills" Damon pushes off, getting out of the Hellhole.

Elena looks to her twin with an entitled frown "I don't want her here, get her out of here". Katherine, the older one, couldn't help but think how whiny and bratty she sounded. Stefan could manage to get his head out of her ass and for once, get help seeing how much she's used to having people protecting her. Maybe death will do the dull-as-a-dishwasher doppelganger some good.

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