ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ ᴏɴᴇ - 𝑲𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑷𝒊𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒕

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[Episode 11 - Unpleasantville - 2]

I sit on the kitchen platform and face the group while Elena and Stefan sit on the couch over which a vengeful vampire was thrown, not a few minutes ago. Damon is pacing around, to and fro from the couch to the kitchen " How did he get in?"

"Well, Elena and I are in a mood to die, so we called him over"

Damon rolls his eyes at my sarcasm. Stefan provides "He posed as a pizza delivery guy last night..."

"Well, he gets points for that. Did he say what he wanted?"

This time, Elene is the one snapping "No. He was too busy trying to kill me."

"And you have no idea who this is?" I ask and Stefan pulls off a questioning gaze on his elder brother. Damon shrugs at his brother's unconvinced look "No. Don't look at me like that. I told you we had company." He goes over and sits on the arm of the couch, a bit close to his brother's girlfriend. "You think there's more than one?" Stefan asks and I shrug, even though the question wasn't directed at me "We don't know Stefan. That's the problem..."

Stefan sighs "Damon, he was invited in"

"Then we go get him tonight. You up for it?" he looks at Elena. She hesitates but nods "What do I have to do?".

My best friend and I share a look, we need to keep Elena safe. No matter what, even if she's in between a hub of supernatural activity.

Damon smirks, glad that my sister is being easy today " Let your boyfriend take you to the dance. We'll see who shows up. Till we get him, this house isn't safe. For anyone who lives in it. It's worth a shot..." Stefan sighs anxiously and purposely ignores his brother as he takes Elena's hand in his own "Are you sure?"

"I'll do it. I'll be with you. I'll be safe..."

Damon turns to me and shrugs a shoulder "Fine then, chop-chop. Get ready. We have a vampire to kill" Elena and Stefan go upstairs as I jump off the counter "You didn't ask if I wanted to do this..." 

He smirks "That's because I know you'll be capable of doing this" he bumps his shoulder into mine and I roll my eyes. As I stalk to the stairs, I see the old vampire make himself comfortable on the couch.

"Katherine?" I turn to him "Put the belt on. It completes the outfit" he gestures to the big belt I left on the table when I talked to Jenna earlier. Rolling my eyes, I take the belt upstairs.


We enter the school, Elena and Stefan hand-in-hand. Damon and I stand on each side of the couple - me beside Stefan and Damon beside Elena. 

Damon tells us to split up but warns Elena and me to stay together. When we reach the punch bowl and I run into the arms of Caroline. Bonnie's standing beside her and she's hugging Elena.

"Having fun?" I smirk, even though I know the answer to the question. 

"No, but this-" she gesturers to her yellow poodle skirt and top, "-took about two hours, so I'm at least staying half of that..." 

We all laugh but Bonnie looks off into distance, her eyes narrowing into a clueless glare "What's Damon doing here?"

Elena and I look at each other nervously before we both stammer at the same time

"Kat's date" 


I glare at Elena and she purses her lips and turns to our suspicious friends "He uh, wanted to come. H-he'll behave..." 

✔ | Allure, S. Salvatore Where stories live. Discover now