ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ - 𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑪𝒉𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝑩𝒂𝒔𝒔

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[Episode 16 - There Goes the Neighbourhood]

I walk towards Stefan and Elena as he's speaking "-Have you thought any more about what you're going to do?" 

I lean against the lockers, smirking sarcastically "About what? Isobel, our vampire birth mother, who's related to my vampire ancestor Katherine, who screwed over your vampire brother? Nah...I haven't thought about it at all!"

"I'm sorry I brought it up"

I sigh and look down, "I'm sorry, that was very snarky. I could have... Killed him you know?" I murmur as I hug my sister from the side. She sighs too "It'd just be nice if we could get through one day without having to deal with any of it. No vampire mother or brother-"

"No vampires at all?" I ask cheekily. 

Elena rolls her eyes and smiles "No vampires but you Stefan... I just want to get us back to normal stuff like school and homework"

"-and there's the other thought: fun!" I smile at myself. I miss fun. I'd settle for something like ice-cream and Gossip Girl on the couch... Or a drink. 

There. I think I have a date with myself.

Stefan waggles his eyebrows in excitement "Ooh, that sounds good to me, when do we start?"

"We-" I motion to us 3 "-are not. But we-" now I motion to Elena and Stefan "-are. I have a date..." I smile wildly. Elena's eyes narrow and so do Stefan's.

"With whom?" my twin asks.

I wink behind my shoulder "Chuck Bass". Elena chuckles in relief but Stefan looks clueless "Who?"

I'll let him think it's a guy in my league and shout to Elena "Don't you tell him Sister!"


Apparently, when Stefan meant 'fun', it meant a double date with Matt and Caroline. I know that's the perfect recipe for disaster and I told my twin, that it is so. She just waved it off with one of her positive comments.

It's evening and the bell rings just as Chuck tells Blair that he loves her. I rewind and pause the video and open the door.

I see Stefan standing there, smiling, flowers in his hands. A sigh almost fights its way out but I block it down. A part of me wants to imagine that the flowers are for me, not Elena, my sister.

But the other part of me wants to see both of them happy with each other, so much so that people will have to say "Stefan and Elena. Their love would never die". 

I've never felt so conflicted and angry at myself and sad at the same time. I plaster a small smile and call my sister down, she bounces down "You got me flowers!" She kisses him and he gives her a 'Stefan' smile - a half-smile with a slight twinkle hidden in there somewhere.

"I figured it's a date, why not do it right? I would have driven too but you're the one with the car"

"You know, you think that for someone who was around when the car was invented you would have one that you drive..." I point out with a smirk. 

The vampire just shakes his head "Oh, I just never drive it..."

"I know. But you should. Beauty" I fawn and Elena clears her throat "You know, it's not too late to cancel-"

"Why we would do that?" he asks with his brows furrowed. I sit on the table and take a bite out of one of the cookies from my bowl when Elena drones about how maybe they would never be meant for the normal part.

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