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[Episode 15 - A Few Good Men]

Few weeks later

Grams' funeral was heart-wrenching. Bonnie left town to spend some time with her aunt and uncle. All these days, I've been reading the book that Grams left me - a book about Guardians. It explains why I can't be compelled even without vervain, why i'm allergic to vervain, and my powers.

In the morning, I lay my head on Elena's shoulder as I give the swing another push. The porch floor is cold and gives me goosebumps.

"Hey, Bonnie, it's me and Kat... just checking in, seeing how you're doing..." Elena starts.

"We miss you here. Don't let your aunt drive you too crazy!" I chuckle forcedly, trailing off as I see my own aunt walking up to us, coffee in hand. 

"What are you doing out here? It's cold." she slightly shivers and we all go inside, shaking off the chill.

"Thinking" I say at the same time Elena says "Writing..."

"Grams' funeral... It brought back a lot about mom and dad... I was wondering...you said that you would do some digging about them, the adoption." I press gently. 

Jenna sighs and motions us to the table where her laptop rests. 

Starting it, she starts explaining "Your dad kept everything from his medical practice—records, logs, old appointment books...." 

She gives a diary to us "I found an entry from the night you were born. Patient and a birth date. Isobel Peterson..."

"Do you think it's her real name?"

"Pregnant teenage runaway? Probably not. First name, maybe. But where'd she get Peterson? Classmate? Best friend? So I binged it..." she does what I assume she did at first "I searched for all the Petersons in this area born the same year as Isobel, found 3 --2 men and a woman, Trudie, who lived in Grove Hill, Virginia-"

"That's not far from here" I point out excitedly and Jenna smiles "Well, watch this..." she pulls out a picture on her screen and looks at us triumphantly.

"Isobel..." Elena looks at the picture. It's a high-school photo and evidently, our birth-mother was in cheer "She was a cheerleader" we smile at each other.

"Trudie still lives there" I'm handed a yellow post-it with words written in a sharpie "This is her address..." 

I smile at my sister and pocket the precious piece of paper but Jenna decides to drop a bomb.

"Listen. There's something else..." she begins gently "Mr. Saltzman - Ric, his wife was from around here," I nod, I know that and I also know that a vampire killed her, but I didn't expect what Jenna would say next "-and her name was also Isobel".

"Wait. Was, as in..."

"She died"


I enter the 'House of Blood n Booze', aka the Salvatore boarding house. Stefan's at my house, probably cuddling with Elena. So I escaped and came to check on the heartbroken Salvatore brother. It doesn't help matters that Damon has to go through the torture of seeing his brother happy in love, and actually be loved.

Music is blaring and Damon mixes blood with bourbon. Clothes are strewn all over the library and the state of the three girls dancing around in the room indicates that the vampire had a very busy night and morning. I roll my eyes and get to Damon, who purposely acts oblivious of me.

"Damon..." I shout over the music. He just wags his brows at me and continues to take a drink out of one of the soriority girls. 

She moans and I gag. "Damon. Stop" I say louder but he continues. Irritated, I plug out the stereo and march to him "Stop this. Now." I demand.

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