ꜰᴏʀᴛʏ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ - 𝑩𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒇𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒅

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[Episode 21 - Isobel - 1]

Thump. Thump. Thump, thump.

Thump. Thump. Thump, thump.

Thump. Thump. Thump, thump.

"Is this what you do at 5:30 am in the morning?" Stefan questions, not at all breathless. 

I look to him with a raised brow "I'm lately feeling angry like I'm Hulk, and I may be murderous, plus I heal. So the only way to vent out my anger is-" I hit his gloved hand again and he falls down onto the grass in the forest "-physical exercise"

He sits back on his elbows and casts a look at the treehouse "Can't I take a break?"

"I'm your sober sponsor, so no" I pull him up again. He hits my hand and I stagger "Now you're talking Salvatore". I just need one day with peace and quiet.


I hug Caroline "Ooo I missed you so much Care! Bonnie!" I look and hug her but she just pats me on my back. 

I sigh and look back to the assignments at hand. "So, this is how last year's floats looked like" I pull up a picture on the laptop that I got a school permit to carry "- and this is exactly how this year's floats will not be " the last year's floats were overrated and the Fell girl did not do a good job.

"So... I was thinking of showing the people southern elegance this year-" Caroline smiles and claps her hands. 

She's mad over Gone with the Wind and I thought that our common spirit can be put to use. "Gone with the Wind?" Bonnie's lips twitch up to a smile and I smile more confidently.

I put up a rough lists of the flower and ribbon orders on a paper and make sure Caroline and Bonnie get a copy of my rough sketches too. I ask Caroline "So, what's your costume idea?"

"I don't know... I was thinking of convincing you to make it a period costumes" I smile "It is Founder's Day... So, 1864 huh?" I smile nostalgically and pen it down on my list 

"So major confab needed, we'll discuss our and the runner-up's and the dates' costumes now-" I'm interrupted by Alaric as he calls to me "Kat. Little help here" I turn and leave the laptop open to my friends "You can start with the internet, then we can get our hands dirty with local ideas, I'll be back"

I go to Alaric and see Stefan and Elena coming this way too. "Hey Mr. Saltzman" my sister greets him. After calling him Alaric so many times in my mind, Mr. Saltzman just sounds foreign to me. He seriously looks between us "Come with me. We need to talk..."

"Nothing good ever comes from such words" I mutter and Stefan nudges me with a roll of his eyes.

We enter the classroom and Alaric drops the bomb on us "I met Isobel last night" 

A while later, Damon enters the room glibly "Sorry I'm late. My dog ate my uh... never mind..." he rolls his eyes at his own joke and looks around "What's with all the furrowed brows?"

"I saw Isobel last night"

His back goes rigid in anticipation "Isobel is here? In town?" he asks curiously.

Damon looks to me and my gaze goes back to Alaric. I can't believe it, she's in town. Why? Why now? For what? I doubt she wants to do mother-daughter bonding with Elena and me. Damon leans against the door, maybe ready to bounce over to where she is.

"Did you ask her about Uncle John? Are they working together?"

"No..." Alaric grits out.

"No they're not?"

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