ꜱɪxᴛᴇᴇɴ - 𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏 𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔

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[Episode 33 - By the Light of the Moon - 2]

"Tyler..." I groan, stumbling onto my knees, crawling and looking him in the eyes.

He growls at the audacity of the girl to stare into his eyes with dominance. Taking a shaky half-breath, I bend down more, looking down to the ground. But I was not kneeling before Tyler - her childhood best friend. I was in front of Tyler - the werewolf.

Tyler barges into me, the rabid wolf shoving my bruised body into the jagged stone chips on the wall. I scream in pain, burns healing the wounds. The Lockwood probably smelled blood, because he growled with menacingly quiet syllable.  

Eyes widening, I kick back at him, pinning him down with amber eyes of my own. He wretches and growls and fights, trying to throw off his attacker. And he does, making me hit her head on the stone.

The last thing I remembers is my almost unconscious murmur "Somnum".


"Kat! Kat.... Kat! Please wake up, no no no no no" I feel being rocked to and fro.

Groaning, I open my eyes, no longer burning gold "Hmm?" 

"Thank God you're okay" Caroline hugs her closer. 

She hears sniffling from the other side of the room. Tyler hugs himself, looking at the blood on the walls where he crashed my head a while ago "Tyler, are you okay?"

"I h-hu-hurt y-you" he whimpers brokenly. I motion for Caroline to let me go, and crawl towards my distraught friend "It's alright, hey, look at me, I'm alright...." I show him my hands.... Which are clawed at and bloody. Pursing my lips, I hide it behind my murky and bloody back.

"Let's get you home, you're alright..." I smile. 

Caroline hands the boy a shirt "You made it. You didn't get out. You're okay..."

He looks at her with moist eyes "No I'm not"

He hugs us.


"So he's out huh?" I sigh relievedly into my phone, stopping the car.

Elijah snuck into my house, nobling some sense into my sister. She drove a bargain, making him get her boyfriend out of the tomb. Elena told her about it - Elijah wants to lure Klaus using both of them as bait.

"You don't seem surprised" Stefan speaks up. I didn't know I was on speaker.

"I know Elijah Stefan" I insist "-he wants to make sure Elena and I live. So I figured as much. I made the barrier spell to lock Elena in, not to keep Elijah out..."

"Why were you not with Elena?" Stefan asks. I can almost hear his frown and I chuckle hysterically "I helped Tyler with the transformation. It was hard.... But, he's alive and kicking"

"Where are you?" his voice rises a few octaves, bursting through her my drum.

I cringe back into my seat, knowing why he's asking. I'll have to go through all of my injuries - today, namely breaking and rebreaking all my bones - when the moon crests.

"No no no Viv listen to me, you needed vampire bloo-" I cut the call with a panicked breath, throwing it in my car seat.

Taking a long resigned breath, I remove my murky shirt and start tip-toeing into the lake whose silvery-black reflection flutters with the water falling from the Falls.

Just when the moon disappears behind the foamy Falls, I groan as the first bone - the bone in my wrist breaks. The water muffles the sound of my spine and limbs snapping, but not my voiceless screams.

My reflection in the water rocks and juts as my gasps and tries to move myself neck-deep into the freezing water fail. The cold needles do nothing to sooth the pain. I scream more, as much as my throat allows. My fingers clutch the muddy banks tighter and tighter.

"Letta no!" I'm pulled out of the water with a shout. But I struggle and kick, growling and looking at the world in yellow and red.

"No no no no" something wet and coppery falls into her mouth, making her gulp without protest.

"Letta! Letta, come back, there... That's it..." someone rocks me back and forth, my chin pressed protectively over a chiselled and suit-clad shoulder. 

I'm totally wet, my hair all wanton and sticky with blood and murk. But the man hugs me closer, making me feel the slowing throb of my heart. One whole minute later, I withdraw, hands covering my bra-clad chest.

The face that meets my eyes, somewhat shocks me "E-Elijah?"

"You could have asked someone to help you..." he placates "Those Salvatores are good for nothi-"

"Vivi...?" a voice emerges behind us, panicked and rushed.

"Stefan..." I sigh, smiling hesitantly, wiping off the blood from my lips. I hate the salty taste of blood. But that's what helped me all this while. Without a word, Elijah Mikaelson slips off his suit, draping it over me softly. I clutch it close to my upper half, looking at his guarded eyes and nodding a self-respectful nod.

He vamps, the whoosh he leaves behind chills my wet arms. Sighing, I extend a hand for Stefan to pull me up from the ground. Instead of doing that, he lifts me up in his arms with no words, ignoring my yelp. 

Putting me into his car, he whispers, somewhat angry "Next full moon, I'm coming with you" He gets into the car in a jiffy, not allowing me to say anything.

That night, the moon realised something painted out like History....

That no matter how many people jump to protect Elena Gilbert, Katherine Violet Petrova will always have the two noble men look after her with their lives shielding hers.

That no matter how many people jump to protect Elena Gilbert, Katherine Violet Petrova will always have the two noble men look after her with their lives shielding hers

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